Left behind (part 1)

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It was 5:30 PM on a Friday evening and Tina was packing her bag to go home. She was going to go out for dinner with Newt, and after a long and stressful week, was really looking forward to relaxing with her boyfriend for a couple of hours. She had just put the last things in her briefcase, and put on her coat when the door opened. Tina jumped up slightly, surprised by the unexpected action. Her gaze quickly fell on Theseus who seemed somewhat on edge.

'Grindelwald's men are raiding a warehouse holding magical artefacts. We need to get there, now.'

Tina sighed. All she wanted was to go home. She knew Newt would be disappointed at her cancelling their date, and she was as well. But just by looking at Theseus's expression she knew this was important. She had no choice. Tina quickly followed Theseus out of the office, sending a message to Newt on the way explaining an emergency had come up and she wouldn't make it to dinner.

'Why can't Grindelwald's followers raid a warehouse on an evening I don't have plans.'

Theseus chuckled at Tina's grumbling.

'I'm sure it's all part of Grindelwald's plan to ruin Newt's life.'

He joked, but Tina could see a hint of worry in his eyes. Theseus had a strong suspicion that Newt was high on Grindelwald's hit list after Newt had managed to capture him, only hours after having escaped Grindelwald's death sentence. The fact that Grindelwald had almost succeeded in killing his brother, however, only made Theseus more nervous.

They finally reached the atrium where a number of aurors were waiting expectantly for their leader.

'What's going on, boss?'

Theseus took a deep breath. 'Grindelwald's men are raiding a warehouse just out of town. It's a smuggler's warehouse, holding many dangerous and illegal artefacts which could easily hurt hundreds. We need to get in there, and stop them from leaving with anything.'

'How is it we know of a smuggler's warehouse and haven't done anything about it yet?' Yaxley asked. A sneer slowly creeping into his features.

'Because the smuggler who owns it is a lead in an highly important case. If we tear down the warehouse we lose him. But right now it is more important to keep those objects out of Grindelwald's hands.'

The group of aurors nodded. 'So what is the plan?' Tina asked.

'We apparate to the warehouse. It has 5 entrances, so we will spread out and enter at different points, try to surround them. Once everyone is inside we start taking them out. Stunning only, we want them for questioning. We can't let them get away with those artefacts, so do what you can, but don't kill anyone. Understood?'

The aurors murmured in agreement and moved out.

As they approached the warehouse they could see movement behind the windows, and hear muffled voices arguing.

Yaxley grinned. 'Looks like they're having a disagreement.'

'Them arguing won't make it any easier for us, believe me.' Theseus stated quickly, and Yaxley glared at him.

It was no secret that Yaxley had been aiming for the position of head auror before it had been given to Theseus. Everyone in the department knew Yaxley felt snubbed considering he was more than 15 years Theseus' senior, and had many more years of experience as an auror. To no one's surprise, Yaxley somewhat despised Theseus, and took his chance to rebel against the young head auror whenever he could.

'If anything, it makes it more dangerous.' Tina stated, trying to avoid an argument between the 2 men. 'If they have been fighting, they're most likely agitated and will lash out more.'

'We'll have to be on our guard.' Theseus said He divided the aurors over the multiple entrances, pairing them up in groups he knew worked well together. He and Tina quickly rushed towards one of the back entrances. 'Ready?'

Tina nodded. 'Let's do this.'

The aurors snuck into the building and slowly crept up to the main storage area. They saw how about 7 wizards were moving objects to a large pile in the middle of the room, and walking along the aisles, deciding what else to take.

On Theseus's signal they moved into the room and started their attack. Grindelwald's men were outnumbered, but some of them had the luck of holding a magical artefact, which would help them out. Within a minute 2 of Grindelwald's men, and 3 aurors were down. Luckily, the aurors were still in the majority. In the chaos of battle a head of strawberry blonde hair caught Tina's attention, and her heart sunk.

'Queenie.' She whispered. Unaware she had frozen she felt someone yanking her aside and looked into Theseus's annoyed eyes.

'Focus, Tina!'

'Queenie's here.'

Theseus sighed. 'Great.' His gaze found hers. 'The mission comes first, Tina. If you jeopardize it to save your sister...'

'I know.' She cut him off, before once again moving into the frenzy. She quickly stunned one of the dark wizards and turned onto the next. From the corner of her eye she saw how one of her colleagues threw a hex at Queenie. The blonde witch deflected the spell, aiming it toward the shelf behind her.

'Sloppy, Queenie.' Tina thought, and only a split second later the shelves came tumbling down, trapping Queenie under their weight. Her pain-filled scream pierced through the warehouse. The shelved must have been stacked with some smoke bomb like objects, as the air quickly filled with smoke. The 2 dark wizards still standing looked around, realized it was 6 against 2 and they had no chance. In the blink of an eye they were gone, having left their pile of objects behind on the floor.

With a flick of his wand, Theseus cleared thesmoke from the air. He watched as Tina stood frozen in her spot, staring offagainst Queenie, who still lay trapped beneath the toppled over shelves.

A/N So this is a 2 parter, the second part will be up in a few days. Let me know what you think down in the comments.

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