Office Adventures

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Battling a dark wizard in a war the muggles did not yet know about was exhausting to say the least. Most days, both Tina and Theseus came home bone tired, quickly collapsing on the nearest soft surface in the flat as soon as they walked through the door. Newt and Jacob did their best to care of the tired Aurors, but quite often they were too tired to even eat. All of them knew that their approach wasn't healthy and could not last forever, but so far it hadn't stopped them in the slightest.

'Good morning, Theseus.' Tina mumbled tiredly as she walked into the head auror's office. He quickly covered his mouth as he failed to stifle a yawn.

'Morning Tina.' He mumbled back. He looked up and his warm smile fell. 'You look rather pale, Tina.'

She scoffed slightly. 'You're one to talk.'

The 2 aurors had quickly fallen into a pattern of friendly banter between them when Tina joined the British Auror department. Theseus knew there were whispers that Tina was now his favourite, because she was pretty much dating his younger brother. But Theseus knew that even if it weren't for that fact, he'd like Tina just as much. She was a very competent auror, with a quick wit and she wasn't afraid to tell him if she disagreed with him (something which barely any auror dared.) They had quickly found out they were a very effective team, and enjoyed working together. And over the past weeks had gotten to know each other pretty well.

'We have both looked tired for the past 2 weeks, Tina, but I don't think I have ever seen you look this pale before...' There was a hint of concern in Theseus's voice, and Tina smiled, hoping to shrug it off.

'I'm fine, Theseus. Don't worry. Now I came over to give you my mission report from last week.' In her outstretched hand she held a small pile of paper, which Theseus took from her. 'Now, I gotta get back to work. I'll see you later.'

She walked towards the door, and Theseus watched her every move, carefully examining her. She walked as if her muscles and joints felt stiff, and although she tried to hide it, she didn't stand as straight as she usually did. She softly closed the door behind him, and Theseus leaned back in his chair. 'What am I going to do with an auror who won't admit they're not feeling well?' He mumbled to himself. Eventually he just went back to work, and let the matter go for now. Tina was a smart woman, she would at some point realize it would be better for her to go home, he thought. When Theseus did not see Tina for lunch, he was convinced she had gone home for the day, and would return when she felt better.

Later that evening he made his way back to Newt's flat. It was the first time in over 2 weeks he actually managed to get out of the office before dinner, and he looked forward to spending some time with his younger brother. As soon as he closed the door behind him, Newt popped up in the hallway.

'Have you talked to Tina today?' He asked quickly, and Theseus could hear the slight of concern in his brothers voice. He sighed as he hung up his coat.

'I take it that means she did not go home after all?' Theseus looked at his brother with one eyebrow raised.

Newt shook his head quickly. 'No.' he mumbled. 'I saw her just before lunch time and told her she probably was better off at home...'He looked down. 'She told me to leave her alone, and by the time I went home she was still at work.'

Theseus rubbed his temples. He was annoyed Tina would not admit to being ill, and refused to go home. To add to that, he couldn't help but be slightly frustrated with Tina for telling Newt off like that. He could see the hurt in his brother's eyes, and even though he knew Tina had most likely not meant to hurt him, Theseus hated the look in Newt's eyes.

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