Chapter 1

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Adora walked down the street with Bow and Glimmer. Adora wore a white tee shirt, a red jacket, jeans, and boots, she also had a necklace with a small gold charm shaped like a sword on it. Glimmer wore a light purple sweater, blue jeans, and light purple flats. Bow wore a yellow long sleeve crop-top with a big red heart on it, a red vest, jeans, and sneakers. All of them had their EPD badges, and Adora had her wallet. They were headed to the Starbucks down the street from Adora's apartment complex. "So, White chocolate mocha for me, gingerbread latte for Glimmer, and. Peppermint hot cocoa for Bow?" Adora asked

"Yep..." Bow smiled

"Are you guys sure we should be walking? Even with that gang running around all over the country, attacking police." Glimmer asked

"We'll be fine..." Adora said trying to assure Glimmer that they'd be fine

"Adora, your boot is untied." Bow said

"Thanks, you guys keep walking, I'll catch up." Adora smiled

"Are you sure?" Glimmer asked

"Hey, your Mom didn't make me Chief for nothing. I'll be fine."


Glimmer and Bow walked down the street as Adora retired the laces on her boot. "Excuse me?" Someone said from behind Adora

"Yeah?" She asked as she stood and turned to the voice, a woman with short white hair, and a scorpion tail stood there

"Did you say you're the Police Chief?"

"I was just recently promoted."

"Yeah, well so was I." Another voice came, Adora turned again, another woman stood there. "Also, you really should've stayed with your Cop friends." She said as she shoved Adora into an alleyway

The woman with the scorpion tail grabbed Adora's arms and held her about a foot in the air. "Let go of me!" Adora exclaimed

"So you're Adora, Chief of the Etheria Police Department." A new voice smirked from the shadows of the alley. "Adorable."

"Who are you?"

"I'm your worst nightmare."

"So, you're the end of the world being caused by a whole bunch of hamsters?"

"What? No!"

"I don't have very many nightmares... Haven't had one since I was six..."

"I'm one of the leaders of The Horde."

"Ok... I'm not afraid of a gang."

"We've beat up some of your best officers, and killed an awful lot of them!"

"Listen, I don't have time for this, it's my friend's birthday, and we were headed to Starbucks. So could I just go."

"How are you not afraid of me!?"

"You have cat ears and a tail, why would I be afraid?"

"Scorpia, sting her."

Adora felt a sharp pain in her shoulder, and everything began to fade to Black...


When Adora woke up, she was in the bedroom of an apartment, and her hands were tied behind her back. "Where-" she began to question as the Cat woman from before walked in, she wore a dark orange leather jacket, a slightly lighter orange crop top underneath it, skinny jeans, black combat boots, and a cat headband.

"You're awake."

"No, I'm still unconscious, you're talking to a different person."

"Pretty sarcastic for someone who's got her hands tied behind her back."

"Like I said, I'm not afraid of you."

"You will be."

"Who are you anyway?"


"You know who I am." Adora I looked around "So, who's apartment is this?"

"My apartment. I told the doorman you passed out and that you were my roommate. He fell for it of course."

"What're you planning on doing with me?"

"Normally, you'd be dead already. But, you're kinda cute."

Adora turned red "W-What?"

"You heard me, and be glad you caught my eye, if you hadn't, you'd be dead." Catra smirked as she sat on the floor in front of Adora. Adora squirmed uncomfortably. "Don't worry, I didn't do anything to you. I'm not a creep."

"You did kidnap me though"

"Be quiet, I can still hurt you." Catra hissed, showing her claws

"Whatever." Adora mumbled

Catra's eyes stared at Adora's necklace. "Where'd you get the necklace?"

"My parents when I was a baby... They died in a bank robbery when I was really little. I... Never knew them."

"That sucks. I never met my parents either... I was left in the street to die, The Horde took me in and raised me."

"Did they raise you to kidnap cops and tie them up in your apartment?"

"They raised me to take care of all the stupid do-gooders in this land."

"I was raised by my friend's mom."

"Let me guess, Queen Angella?"


"Makes sense, you were walking with her daughter, and her daughter's boyfriend." Catra smirked, "That also makes you a princess though."

"I'm an officer of the law."

"Yeah well I'm a gang member, and you're trapped here. So, get comfortable."

"I'm gonna get out of here."

"I'll just hunt you down and bring you right back. And if I have to, I won't be so nice." Catra threatened as she grabbed a roll of duct tape

"This is nice? I'd hate to see you angry."

"You would, Princess." Catra put a piece of duct tape over Adora's mouth and left the room, grabbing a pistol off the nightstand on the way out

'Great job Adora, you got yourself kidnapped. Glimmer and Bow are gonna be losing their minds when they notice.'

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