Chapter 3

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Adora, Bow, and Glimmer stood outside the throne room. "She's gonna demote me, I can tell." Adora groaned

"My mom wouldn't do that... The first time you mess up..." Glimmer said sheepishly

The door of the throne room opened and Queen Angela stepped out, she looked calm, but when the door closed behind her "Are you three okay? Glimmer, Bow you didn't get hurt in the fight did you? And Adora, a few of the officers said your shoulder got hurt. How bad is it?"

"We're all fine Mom, Bow and I didn't get hurt, and Adora's shoulder is bandaged."

"Thank goodness, I was worried, now, what you two did was reckless..." Angella began to scold Glimmer and Bow, not Adora because she was kidnapped. She deserved a break. "You could've been hurt."


"So that was a long lecture..." Glimmer mumbled as the trio sat in the castle garden

"Yep." Bow agreed "So what happened when you were kidnapped Adora?"

"Well... The girl who had her claw to my throat, that's who kidnapped me. She said her name was Catra and she tried to-" Adora began

"Aw, I'm flattered, the Princess of the Police is talking about me~" A voice rang out from a nearby tree

"Where are you Horde Member!?" Glimmer yelled as she jumped up

"Oh sorry, is this a private Fuzz meeting?"

"Show yourself!"

"What? Is the Po Po Princess scared?"

Adora a stood up, she knew Glimmer could use her teleportation, and Bow could use his bow, but Adora hadn't used her weapon for a long time. It was, after all, a bit medieval. "Show yourself Horde Member." Adora said calmly

"Nah, I'm good Princess. I think we'll all just stay in the trees a bit longer."

"Glimmer." Adora a pointed at a tall tree, a brown cat tail dangled from a branch

Glimmer nodded and teleported over to the tree. She pulled on the tail, dragging Catra out of the tree. Catra smirked and shouted "NOW!" Several Horde members jumped out of trees, Adora recognized two of them, other than Catra. Scorpia, and the girl who'd been there when the blonde was kidnapped. Scorpia and the girl jumped at Glimmer, and lizard-man ran at Bow. Adora saw a teen with blond hair climbing out of a tree slowly, he looked nervous. Catra scoffed as she tackled Adora and pinned her to the ground "Seriously Kyle!" Catra looked down at Adora "Hey Adora."

"Get off of me!" Adora exclaimed as she tried to escape

"Why should I?" Catra smirked

"Glimmer!" Adora yelled, "Go reinforcements!"

Glimmer nodded and teleported away. "No!" She looked to Scorpia "Don't let her alert any of the guards!"

"Bow! Don't let her get to Glimmer!" Adora shouted to her friend

Bow shot a trick arrow at Scorpia. Catra laughed "You just distracted any help you could possibly get."

Adora kicked Catra in the stomach, knocking her onto the ground. The blonde stood and was about to run to help Bow, but Carta grabbed her ankle, Adora fell. "Let go!" Adora tried to free herself, Catra dug her claws into the teen's ankle

"Catra! The guards!" The blond guy, who still looked nervous, exclaimed as a group of guards rushed into the garden with Glimmer at the head of the group

"Dammit!" Catra glared. She dropped Adora's ankle and rushed to the garden wall and climbed up "Move it Horde! Don't get caught!" Catra glanced at Adora "C'Ya around Princess." She jumped off the wall, followed by her team

Adora blinked a few times, and then looked at her ankle, blood was soaking the grass. "Adora!" Glimmer exclaimed "Are you okay!?" She and Bow ran over to Adora

Adora a looked at Glimmer and Bow rushed over "Oh geez, that's a lot of blood Adora..." Bow said as he kneeled down next to her

"I'll get some bandages." Glimmer exclaimed as she teleported away


Catra sat in her apartment filing her nails, sorry sharpening them with a nail file. The door of her apartment opened. "Ever heard of knocking?" She muttered before looking to see who it was "Shadow Weaver!" She jumped up and stood at attention

"As incompetent as always Catra." Shadow Weaver glared at the girl "There is a ball being hosted at the castle tonight, you and your team have been assigned the task of going there, and assassinating as many of the EPD Officers as you can. Do you understand."

"Do we have to assassinate all of them?"

Shadow Weaver raised an eyebrow. "Who would you want to keep alive?"

"The Chief of Police, Adora, Queen Angella adopted her when she was a kid." Catra began to reply "Some older members say she has a magic sword called The Sword of Protection."

Shadow Weaver thought for a moment. "Fine, but do not allow her to escape if you plan on keeping her alive."

"Understood Shadow Weaver."



"Do I have to wear a dress Glimmer?" Adora asked as she messed with the fabric of her red dress. "I could just wear my usual clothes."

"No way. Now come on, the ball is starting soon!" Glimmer exclaimed excitedly as she dragged Adora down the hall. "All the other princesses of Etheria are here!"

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