Chapter 4

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Adora followed Glimmer out to the ballroom, "I still don't see why I have to come to this." Adora complained

"You're a princess, therefore you attend parties." Glimmer replied in her 'I am mimicking my mom' voice

Adora laughed "Ok fine."

Glimmer and Adora walked out into the hallway. They headed for the ballroom, in which was hundreds of people. "Come on! We should go talk to Princess Nettossa and Princess Spinarella! We haven't seen them since their anniversary!" Glimmer exclaimed excitedly as she pointed at the two

"Actually, I'm gonna go take a walk in the garden. It's a little noisy in here."

"Okay! I'll tell them you say hi!" Glimmer grinned as she teleported over to Spinerella and Nettossa

"Okay, Glimmer..." Adora said as she walked towards the door that lead out to the garden


Catra grumbled as she pulled at the bow tie Shadow Weaver had made her wear. "I think it looks nice." Scorpia commented as they walked towards the castle

"Ugh, it's strangling me." She hissed angrily "Once we get inside I'm untying it."


Adora sat quietly as she looked up at the evening sky. The sun was setting, and the sky was beautiful. As she stared off, she saw two figures climb over the wall. "Hello?" She questioned as she stood. The sun was all the way down at this point, the garden was covered in darkness, the only light came from the door that lead to the ballroom

"Crap." A voice mumbled from the shadows

"Who's there?" She called out "Show yourself."

There was mumbling, and then the sound of running. "Hey, Adora." A familiar voice smirked as something wrapped itself around her wrist

She pulled her wrist away "Catra." Adora tried to walk back into the ballroom. If she could make it in there, she could lose Catra in the crowd, and find Angella, or alert another officer

"Don't be like that, you know you're happy to see me." Catra grinned as she grabbed Adora's wrist

"Let go of me." Adora said as she yanked her arm away from Catra, and rushed into the ballroom

"No! Crap!"


Adora walked across the dance floor, a slow song began to play, and someone grabbed her wrist. After a minute of the person who'd grabbed her wrist spinning her, Adora finally saw who it was. "Hey, Adora." Catra grinned

"I know this is a ball, but I don't dance."  She said to the feline-like girl

"Oh come on, I'm sure you're not that bad of a dancer."

"It's not that I can't dance, I just don't like to."

"It's okay if you're not as good a dancer as me, I've probably practiced more today." Catra smiles as she dipped Adora down

"Yeah, well, I've practiced more important things."

"Like fighting? Or," Catra held up a taser she'd taken from Adora's dress pocket "Stealth?"

"Okay, so you took a taser from my pocket, that also makes you a pickpocket."

"What all do you have me down as?"

"A pickpocket, a kidnapper, a gang member." Catra's tail flicked back and forth in the air "In case you didn't know, your bow tie isn't tied." Adora pointed out

"It was choking me."

"Where you here anyway?"

"What? I can't come to a party?"

"It was invitation only."

"Who says I didn't get an invite?"

"You're a known Horde Member."

"Fair enough." Catra replied, glancing behind Adora. Adora tried to turn to see what was so interesting "Nothing interesting over there Adora." Catra said as she made Adora look at her, but not before Adora saw that they were nearing the door that lead outside, to the dark garden, where Catra could easily kidnap her

"You know what, I just remembered that I told Glimmer I'd catch up with her." Adora said as she tried to slip away

"She can wait a little longer." Catra mumbled through her teeth as she caught Adora's wrist

"No, she and Bow wanted me to meet them when I came back inside, if I don't meet up with them, they're going to be worried, since it's dark out now, and I went out at sunset."

"They can wait." Catra hissed as her tail wrapped around Adora's waist

"No, I know what you're trying to do." Adora said flatly "You're trying to get me outside, where I'm assuming you have at least one, maybe two other Horde Members waiting. You're trying to kidnap me again." She tried to get Catra's tail off her waist "I'm not letting that happen again." Adora looked Catra  in the eyes "So if you don't let go of me, I will yell."

Catra laughed quietly "Even if you yell, there are Horde Members at every entrance of this room, all of them are ordered to kill any, and all Officers in this room, and any princesses too, all except you." Catra smirked, "So be glad you're pretty."

Adora looked at the doors of the room, Catra was telling the truth. "If I go with you, you have to call them off. Don't kill anyone."

"Hmm, maybe."

"Promise, if you tell them not to hurt anyone, I'll go with you, I won't try to escape, I won't even fight back. Just don't hurt anyone."

Catra smiled "Okay." Catra smirked at Adora "You have to promise you won't run, got it?"

"Fine, I promise."

"Okay, go and wait in the garden, Scorpia is out there. Act like I tricked you though."


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