Chapter 5

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Catra pulled out a walkie-talkie as Adora walked towards the garden door. "Now." Catra said into the speaker. Adora heard, but not in time, Scorpia grabbed her as she was about to yell. Catra smirked as she walked out into the garden. "You should never have trusted me."

"You promised!" Adora exclaimed as the sound of shooting came from the ballroom

"I didn't promise anything, you on the other hand promised to come quietly."

"You tricked me." Adora glared

"Aw, is someone angry?" Catra grinned "Adorable." She laughed "Take her to my apartment."

Scorpia nodded, and started to drag Adora towards the garden wall. 'I am not going with anyone... But I can't just use something I haven't used in years...' Adora slipped one of her hands out of Scorpia's grip and held her necklace. "But they've given me no choice."

"What'd you say?" Scorpia asked as Adora's necklace turned into a sword


Catra's eyes widened as Adora transformed into She-ra. "Shit! Scorpia, don't let her get away!"

"Where's Adora?!" Glimmer telles from inside the ballroom

"Shit!" Catra looked at Scorpia and Adora again. Adora was almost free. "Shit!"

"That's just your favorite word isn't it?" Adora grumbled as she kicked Scorpia in the leg

"Ow!" Scorpia exclaimed as she hopped around on one foot holding her leg

"Scorpia!" Catra yelled

"She's really strong. It hurt."

Adora rolled her eyes as she changed back into herself. "Goodbye." She shouted as she headed for the ballroom door

"Oh no you don't!" Catra exclaimed as she jumped onto Adora's back, knocking the blonde to the ground and the sword out of Adora's hand "If I let you live, you can't escape."

Adora tried to reach her sword "Get off!" She grunted as she stretched her arm

"Scorpia." Catra called over to her teammate "Sting her so we can get out of here."

Adora's mind raced as Scorpia began to walk over. 'Crap crap crap.' She thought, just before Glimmer ran past the door. "Glimmer!" Adora yelled just before Catra covered her mouth

"Oh she probably heard that..." Scorpia said as Glimmer looked into the garden

Adora let out a muffled "A little help here."

"Man you can't catch a break can you?" Glimmer asked as she threw a ball of sparkles at Catra, who jumped off Adora

Adora got up and grabbed her sword. "We need to go help everyone inside." She stared as she turned her sword back into a necklace

"Let's go." Glimmer agreed as she teleported them both inside

"Scorpia, go in there. Find Adora. Sting her. And take her to my apartment." Catra ordered

"But-" Scorpia began


Scorpia ran into the ballroom


Adora turned her sword into a shield to deflect the bullets that we're being shot as she and Glimmer ran through the ball room. "Get the ballroom door open, we need to get everyone out of the ballroom, maybe even the castle if necessary." Adora pointed out

"On it." Glimmer said before teleporting

Adora turned her shield back into a sword. "Adora! Look out!" Someone yelled as a wall of ice flung up behind Adora

"Princess Frosta!" She exclaimed as she looked behind her, Scorpia's tail was trapped in the ice

"Well isn't that just great." Scorpia complained as she tugged on her tail

Adora glanced over at the ballroom doors, wide open leading into the hall. "Everyone! Evacuate the ballroom!" She yelled, gaining the attention of the guests, and several Horde members

"Dammit!" Catra yelled from the garden door

"Hey Catra!" Catra looked at Adora "You wanted to dance? Let's dance." Adora scowled as she held up her sword

"Scorpia I swear you can't do one little thing?!" Catra shouted

"The tiny ice princess froze my tail." Scorpia shrugged as she tried to free her tail

Catra groaned in annoyance and ran at Adora "Believe me, I want you to not die Adora."

"And believe me. I want to not be kidnapped!" Adora exclaimed as she turned her sword back into a shield

Catra landed on the shield and laughed and she jumped and landed behind Adora. She jumped onto the blonde's back again. "I can call them all off, just say you'll come with me."

"I can't trust you!"

"I guess we're doing this the hard way then." Catra mumbled as she took Adora's shield "Scorpia, you free yet?"

Scorpia pulled her tail out of the ice "Yep!"

"Sting her, we need to go."

Out of nowhere Glimmer kicked Catra in the face and took the shield from her "Adora! Are you okay?!"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Adora replied as Glimmer handed her the shield "but I think it's time the Horde left."

She looked where Catra had been, but she was gone, so was Scorpia, and all the rest of the Horde members. "They're gone?"

"That's weird..." Adora mumbled

"Is something wrong Adora?"

"No... I'm just... Gonna go to my room."

"Did Catra do something?"

"It's nothing." Adora said over her shoulder as she headed towards the stairs

"I should go talk to Catra." Glimmer said as Bow walked up next to her

"No you shouldn't invade on Adora's- And she's gone."


"ADOrA!" Bow yelled as he ran into Adora's room

"What Bow?" Adora asked, muffled by the pillows on her bed, because she was laying face down

"GlIMmEr dId A tHiNg!"

"What'd she do?"

"SHe ArReStEd CaTrA!"

"That's nice..." Adora pauses for a second. "SHE DID WHAT NOW?!"

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