Chapter 7

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Obviously you want to know how Adora got so much time taken off Catra's sentence, right? Weeeeell...

"To be honest Queen Angella, I did act really stupid and told Bow an Glimmer to keep walking while I tied my boot, and it's not like she tried to kill me..." Adora explained

"Glimmer, and several other officers have told me she threatened to slit your throat!" Angella exclaimed

"I... I know, but she could have valuable information about the Horde."

"Another thing, she could lie, when telling officers 'Information'."

"Queen Angella, she's told what's she's done, that must at least appease her sentence a little."

"It does by a few years I suppose."

"If I can get her to tell me information about the Horde, would that take anymore time off her sentence?"

Angella sighed "I suppose. I don't get why you want to help her though."

Adora thought for a moment "She was raised wrong, she was taught to be how she is, I'm sure that if we give her a chance, she can change."


"So why'd you get time taken off?" Catra asked "My sentence I mean."

"I don't know." Adora thought for a moment "Maybe, maybe I just have hope that you can change."

"Sure. What's the real reason?"

"Well that's rude." Adora said as she crossed her arms "I guess I'll just go, if you're going to be like that."

Adora started heading towards the door. Catra rolled her eyes and sighed "Wait." Adora turned to face Catra again "You want to know about the Horde, don't you?"

"Queen Angella does. She said it could appease your sentence if you tell us what you can."

"You got her to agree to that. Didn't you?" Adora crosses her arms again "I knew you were happy to see me. You don't want to see me behind bars do you Adorable?"

"Adora, and... I just want to help."

"Fine." Catra sighed "I'll tell you, be happy you're pretty Adorable."


"I said I'd tell Adora, not the Princess of Sparkles." Catra complies as Glimmer entered the room

"Adora was sent out to investigate a murder, I was not. Besides, I've only got a few questions for you."

"Fine, shoot."

"Shadow Weaver, who is she?"

"She raised me, no body really knows where she came from. She's abusive of her power, and people. She's as older then The Horde."

"What does she look like?"

"I dunno, she always wears a cloak and mask."

"Who leads the Horde?"

"Hordak. Don't even ask where he came from, according to older members, he came out of nowhere one day and just started attacking policemen and women."

"Who helped you in the past few days?"

"Two other people, Scorpia and Lonnie. Kyle and Rogelio helped in the garden and a whole bunch of people that I don't know the names of when we attacked Bright Moon."

"Why did you kidnap Adora?"

"Technically, I was supposed to kill her, but I didn't want to."


"She's.... That's my business, not the Horde's."

"Everyone knows she's pretty Catra, she's just very modest about it."

"No shit Sherlock."

Glimmer raised an eyebrow "Anyway, that's all I need right now, with just those questions Adora will probably find a way to get a year, year and a half taken off."

"That's either half my sentence or three-fourths of it."

"She's very persuasive."

The door flew open. "GlImMeR!!" Bow yelled as he rushed in

"What is it Bow?" GlImMeR asked slightly annoyed


"You're talking to fast. What's wrong?"

"The 911 cAll wAs a trIck, aNd AdOra gOt ambUshed by sOme HorDe MembErs, shE's BeInG tAkEn to tHe HospItal!"

Catra's wars went down. "Bow go get an officer to escort Catra to a cell to hold her for a bit, if my mom doesn't know tell her. I'll meet you at the hospital." Glimmer ordered as she disappeared

"Is she going to be okay?" Catra asked quietly

"I... I don't know..."


Adora was on the edge of unconsciousness, she could hear the sirens of the ambulance ringing in her ears. "We have to wait until we've made it to the hospital. All the records are there."

"She has a knife in her shoulder and three bullet holes in her leg! She's on the edge of going unconscious, which could cause her to die! We can't just wait." Adora tried to question what they ment, but it can flooding back. The ambush

"She's trying to talk!" A man, he turned to look at Adora "You're okay, you just need to save your energy, you were ambushed. Only a few more minutes."


Glimmer paced back and forth in the waiting room of the hospital. "Okay, family of Adora may go in..." The nurse said as she walked out of the room. Glimmer began to walk towards the room "Family dear."

"I'm her sister." Glimmer frowned

"You don't look anything like her."

"She was adopted."


Glimmer rushed into the room. "Adora, oh my gosh are you okay?!"

Adora laughed a little "I got shot, and stabbed, but I'm good."

"Thank goodness!" Glimmer exclaimed as she hugged Adora

"So, my arm's messed up now. Got stabbed with a knife, and shot three times in the leg."

"Then why were you in the emergency room for so long?"

"They... Had trouble getting the bullets out, and they had to hunt down more blood." Adora mumbled "Apparently AB-negative is a really rare blood type or somethin'..."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2019 ⏰

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