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What am i gonna do? I think to myself my thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the door opening, signaling that Mark arrived. What am i gonna tell him, i decide to keep it to myself and be an idiot and fuel my anxiety. The chef made us supper but i lost my appetite due to all the anxiety I was feeling, but I forced myself to eat as I didn't want Mark to be suspicious. I dont say a word during the feast, I'm too lost in thought to think of any conversations topics. I notice that Mark hasn't taken his eyes off me. He let's out a frustrated sigh and excuses himself, he goes to the bathroom upstairs. I sink deeper into the chair almost about to cry as the anxiety was becoming overwhelming.

I hear him scream my name and I hesitantly walk upstairs to see whats wrong. I arrive and hes sitting on the bed holding something in his hand. My mind went blank, in my panic I forgot to throw the pregnancy test away. "I found this on the sink," he says, "Why didnt you tell me?" I shrugged my shoulders as I feel the tears being to well up in my eyes. I go to sit next to him and take his hand in mine.

"Do you want to keep it?" he asks with his voice trembling almost as if he's afraid to hear my answer.

"Do you want me to keep it?"

He looks at me, thinking for a bit. "Whatever makes you happy," he says, not helping at all.

"Mark... I would love to have children with you, I mean who wouldn't?" as I speak the tears begin to fall but I continue, my voice getting softer with each word, "You're everything I could've wanted. You make me feel so special and I enjoy every millisecond I spend with you but I don't know if I'm ready. Trust me you're not the issue here, I just don't think I have enough self love to have a baby yet and that's not fair for you or our baby."

He wipes the tears from my face and kisses my lips softly, "Y/n, you don't have anything to worry about okay? I am willing to wait until you're ready and I assure you, nobody else but you will have my children," he looks into my eyes before kissing my cheek, "I'll respect your decision no matter what. I love you. If you want to have an abortion I don't mind booking an appointment for you. I can drive you to the clinic too, you don't have to worry. I'll take care of everything." He pulls me into a tight hug,

"Thank you Mark. Thank you." He strokes my back lovingly and whispers, "No problem, princess."

A/N: deadass listened to baby shark while writing this lmao. And I was gonna make this a Jackson fic but I felt like Mark was better suited?? Idk, anyways issa soft and fluffy story for y'all, enjoy folks~

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