Sex With Jaebum

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~Jaebum is a dom, idc what anyone says he's a dom
~He loves being in control
~Sex with him would be rough and passionate
~It would always start with heated making out
~And once you moan into the kiss that's when it would start to get serious
~Your moans are his biggest weakness
~You would always be exhausted afterwards
~And probably wouldn't be able to walk too
~He'd bite your shoulders
~Your neck and chest would be covered with hickeys
~While his back was covered with scratches
~Jaebum loves to top, he would only ever bottom if you begged him too
~Speaking of begging, he loves to hear you beg for him
~Sex would be kinky
~He'd love when you call him "daddy"
~Jaebum has a daddy kink don't @ me
~He'd also enjoy roleplay
~Lowkey he enjoyed seeing you cry from all the pleasure he was giving you
~And would either call you "babygirl" or "kitten"
~Jaebum would love seeing you in lingerie and he was probably the one who bought you them
~He would let out low groans during sex but sometines the occasional moan would slip out
~He wouldn't mind quickies but I don't think he'd do public sex unless either of you are really desperate
~I think his top positions are doggy style and anything where he tops
~He likes receiving oral way more than giving it but if you wanted him to give you oral he wouldn't be completely opposed by the idea
~On special occasions, such as on your anniversary or birthday, he'd be more sensual than rough
~After sex I think you'd both just fall asleep in each other's arms

A/N: whenever I'm writing like sexual content I feel like someone should go fuck them and give us the #reviews. I volunteer as tribute.

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