Taeyong (weakness pt 1)

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You didn't want to admit it but your relationship with Taeyong was on the rocks lately. All you did was bicker with each other, it seemed as if you both couldn't have a conversation without it turning into an argument. As much as you didn't want to admit it, you both needed a break from each other.

You paced around your apartment waiting for Taeyong to arrive. All you could think about is what he would say, would he be mad? Would it end with you both screaming at each other? Or would he just go? Your thoughts were cut short by the door opening, signaling Taeyong arrived.

"You said we needed to talk? It was an emergency?" he said

You took a deep breath, "Taeyong, I think we need a break... A break from each other."


You sighed, "Taeyong, all we do is fight. We can't seem to have a conversation with each other without it ending in us screaming, I can't even remember the last time we smiled at each other." He didn't respond so you kept talking, "I'm tired of fighting over stupid things, and I'm sure you don't enjoy this either... So maybe it's best for us to just go our separate ways."

You felt your eyes start to tear up but you promised yourself you wouldn't cry, at least not yet. You fiddled with your fingers as you wanted for him to say something. The tension in the air was becoming unbearable, you were about to say something else but Taeyong finally started talking, "So that's it? A few arguments and you're leaving? I thought you loved me."

You interrupted him, "I did love you, I still DO love you, Taeyong. I just... I just feel like I'm the only one who still has love."

He walked towards you and caressed your cheek, "Y/N, we can still work this out. Just don't go, okay? You said you still love me, so let's just work through this."

You took his hand away from your cheek and looked down at your hands, "See? I keep telling you that I love you but you haven't said it to me at all lately. Taeyong, if you don't love me, I can't stay with you."

You looked back up at Taeyong and saw he was crying, it caught you off guard, you've seen him cry before but you were never the reason. Your hands flew up to his face, frantically trying to wipe his tears away but they just seemed to keep coming. You stumbled over your words, seeing him cry was always one of your weaknesses.

"D-don't cry, Taeyong. Please. Don't cry-"

"How can you expect me not to cry when you're gonna leave me?" he moved your hands away from his face, "Y/N, I do love you, you know I love you, please just give me a second chance. I'll be better, please just stay. I need you, y/n."

You were he one crying now, you loved Taeyong that's why you didn't want to argue with him, you hated fighting with him. You pulled him into a tight embrace, "I need you too, Taeyong. Let's not fight anymore okay?"

"Okay, I love you," he lifts my chin so our eyes meet. "Instead of me telling you that I love you, let me show it to you," he says before placing his lips on mine.

A/N: idk if this finna have two parts, actually I'm bored so I guess it can.

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