Nct U

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NCT U reacts to you having baby fever:

Because he's the oldest, he'd probably take a more serious approach. Depending on how long you both were dating, he'd suggest you start with having an puppy/kitten first. Of course that was still a big responsibility but it wasn't as big as having an actual baby. And it was a way to see if you both could handle raising something together. But before you got the puppy/ kitten, you'd both have a serious talk about if you were sure you were ready and that he wasn't going to be able to help you all the time because of his busy schedule. He'd also be sure to tell you that having children now wasn't a possibility for either of you but in the future it could be.

He would find it sooooooooo cute. In fact, he'd probably encourage your behavior by showing you pictures of babies in costumes or asking you what you'd name your children. Of course he knew you both weren't ready for a baby yet but he it adorable that you even considered having one, and with him no less, so that might result in him being even more clingy with you.

He would blush brightly and giggle whenever you talked about it. He would brush it off by making a joke that the dreamies were already like your children so why would you want more, when they are already so much of a hassle. And if you still kept going on about having children, he'd send you a video of Renjun trying to kill Chenle and ask if that's really something you wanted to deal with.

He would find it strange that you wanted to have a baby so badly. He didn't understand the rush or why you kept telling him the names you had planned out for your children. It would only hit him later that you indirectly said you wanted to have a baby with him. He'd start to ponder about what to do but eventually come to you and tell you that you both could have children together in the future but not right now.

He'd giggle and wouldn't take it so seriously. He found it cute that you wanted children so desperately. Anytime you would ramble about it, he would just nod his head and smile, as he liked hearing your little fantasies about having childern. If you asked him if he wanted kids, he would just shrug and tell you that he doesn't want them now but maybe in the future.

He'd pinch your cheeks and brush his nose against yours just to fluster you. He would make sure to tease you about it by bringing it up whenever you both would cuddle and ask if you cuddling with him was just a scheme to get him all soft so he agrees to having a baby. He found the way you would squeal about baby clothing funny, so he wouldn't really want to stop you from having your fun.

A shy boi. Everytime you mentioned anything about having a baby he would just cutely smile with a light blush covering his cheeks. Whenever you asked what he thought about it, he'd just say that you can worry about stuff like that later. He found it cute but would be too shy to ruin your whole mood and shut it down completely.

Another shy boi. He would just blush while you went on about having children. It would make him slightly uncomfortable because he didn't know if you were really serious about having a baby and he didn't know how to say no to you without hurting your feelings. He'd joke to diffuse the situation and say he can't have a baby if he is one, in hopes that you'd get the hint he wasn't ready.

Another one who would encourage your behavior. He'd ask you what you think your children would look like and how many you want, etc. Of course he would tease you too, whenever you slept together after that he'd always ask if he should wear a condom or if you both should just go ahead and make a baby. He would joke about it but he really was happy that you wanted to have his children and in all honesty he would probably start having baby fever too, but he'd also have to remind himself that you're both not in the position to be having a baby.

At first he'd be quite awkward but then would just start laughing it off. He knew it was just a phase and that you'd eventually come to your senses but he'd still blush everytime you told him how much you wanted to have a baby. If it got to the point where he needed to talk to you about it, he'd just tell you that you're both too young to even consider having one and that you have your whole lives ahead of you to think about stuff like that.

A/N: when I wrote this I was like I gotta keep in mind that there's crazy hoes out there so that's why I kept saying "iF iT GoT oUT oF HaNd" and I used everyone from the 7th sense line to the boss line because idk and some of the gifs weren't working so I didn't wanna use any cause I was getting mad lmao

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