Taeyong (weakness pt 2)

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Taeyong carried you to the bedroom while he placed his plush lips on the skin of your neck. He laid you so delicately on the bed as if you're made of glass. He begun to place kisses all over while taking your clothes off. You tried to unbutton his shirt but he takes your hands away and says, "Tonight's about you." He undressed you until you were completely naked and then he just sat back, his gaze running all over your body, "You're so beautiful, I can't believe that I have you in my life."

He brought your hand to his lips and started to leave a trail of kisses from your ring finger all the way to just underneath your jaw. He sat up and locked eyes with me, "I don't think you'll ever understand how much I love you." You brought your hand to his face and run your thumb along his bottom lip, he leaned down to kiss you and intertwined his fingers with yours. He sat up once more but this time he begun to undress himself, once he was completely naked he took your hand and placed it over his chest, "Can you feel that? How my heart beats for you and only you?"

He leaned down and kissed the inner parts of your thighs, leaving a few hickeys here and there, and rubbed the outer parts of your thighs, "Every part of you is something worthy of my worship." He broke eye contact and went back to leaving kisses on my thighs getting closer and closer to your core, you let out a loud gasp when he finally kisses your aching pussy. He begun sticking his tongue in and out of you, making you moan as he caressed your thighs.

His hands moved to your waist and slowly traveled to your chest and he gripped your boobs with both hands and started to play with one of your nipples while massaging the other breast. You bit your lip in pleasure, oh how you missed being under him. He moved up and kissed me passionately, you opened your mouth to let his narrow tongue inside. Your arms wrapped around his neck as he rubbed the inner part of your thighs, every one of his touches made you crave more. He inserted two fingers into you, thrusting slowly while he kissed you. You whined loudly when he started rubbing his thumb on my clit, making you throb.

He stopped and pulled his fingers out and leaned over to get something in the drawer next to the bed, a condom, of course. He put the condom on and slowly slipped his member into you. You were already soaking wet so he was able to slide straight into you. He smiled down at you, "It never ceases to amaze me how well our bodies react to each other."

He steadily begun to thrust in and out as you adjusted to the feeling of sheer pleasure. As he gradually started to speed up the bed begins to rock back and forth. With every thrust his dick went deeper and deeper, causing you to want more and more. He leaned down and huskily whispers, "Sex with you is my weakness y/n," causing you to become more aroused. You let out a strangled moan, the pleasure he was making you feel was so overwhelming that you couldn't even speak. The way he was ramming into you was making your body start to shiver with pleasure. Your back arched and you let out a silent scream as you reached your high. You're out of breath but he kept going, you clench around his dick causing him to groan. A few more thrusts and he cummed, he squeezed your thighs in pleasure. He put my legs down and started to pull out but you grabbed his arm causing him to stop and look at you, "Let's stay like this for a while." He smiled and pushed back into me then laid down on top of me.

He rests his head on my chest while you ran your fingers through his hair. "You're prefect, you know," you mumbled. He looked up at you and smiled before placing a soft kiss on your chest, "I love you, y/n."

"I love you too, Taeyong."

A/N: excuse the title jakajskajaksa I never know how to make a good one and for someone who loves reading smut writing it, like the actual scene, was....something so if you feel my awkwardness I'm sorry lmao.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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