Sex With Jinyoung

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~Jinyoung might be a little vanilla at first but as you both got comfortable with each other
~That's when his kinks really started to show
~Sex with him was either romantic and slow or heated and kinky
~It all dependes on the mood you both were in
~If you were in a romantic mood
~Then he'd be so sweet and gentle with you
~It would probably be missionary but still felt just as good
~He'd constantly say I love you throughout the whole time
~Would also praise you a lot
~And softly peck your lips while his hands caress your body
~But if you were both in the mood for something more rough which was more often than not
~Then oh boy
~He loved taking you from behind so he could pull your hair
~And he loves to tease
~So expect loads of orgasm denials
~And expect having to beg cause he loves hearing you whine for him to let you cum
~I think he's into degradation
~But wouldn't do it unless you were completely okay with it
~I don't think he'd be too fond receiving hickeys or bites
~But he adores giving them
~While you were making out expect him bite your lips
~He would also spank you
~Probably has a Sir kink
~Out of everyone in Got7 I think he'd probably be the one most likely to use toys
~He's a kinky boi
~I don't think he's too loud during sex he'd be too busy dirty talking
~After sex you'd both take a shower together and he'd wash your back and all that lovey-dovey jazz
~And you'll cuddle before falling asleep
~He doesn't admit it but he loves cuddling with you

A/N: we love a kinky shishter lmao, and I've been writing a bunch of these instead of actual fanfics ahajajajka I'm lazy okay

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