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"Control your bloody cat!"

"Control your bloody cat!"

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SUNRAYS of a new morning poured into the Gryffindor girls dormitory the day after. Hermione woke up and sleepily dressed in her robes. She didn't bother combing her hair, who was she trying to impress? She headed down the stairs, and greeted Ron and Harry the moment she saw them.

"Control your bloody cat!"

''A 'good morning' or 'please' can do!"

Hermione really had enough.

''Alright! Good morning 'Mione! Please control you bloody cat!''


Harry pretended to clean the dirt in his nails.

''Honestly 'Mione, you're as mental as your cat!''

"Shut up!" Hermione picked up her cat and stroked it. "That's right, don't listen to the mean little boy, Crookshanks." She went away with loud footsteps.

"Malfoy's had an effect on her already!" Ron said, turning towards Harry.


She opened the large doors of the hospital wing. She quickly passed a few beds and to reach Draco's. Hermione sighed loudly as she rubbed her eyes. She sat by his side. Draco didn't seem to notice.

He's a heavy sleeper.

As she took out his medicine, he noticed his face, and being honest, was a little taken aback.

Woah, I can cut my vegetables with that jawline. He's so adorable when he's asleep! Only when he is asleep, however.

''Wake up Malfoy, wake up."

He stirred. That remained his only response after a couple of minutes as well.

She took a water goblet from the table nearby and poured it on his face.

''WHAT IS IT GRANGER?'' Draco sat up and looked her in the eyes. They were sleepy.

''Your medicine, else what! I don't enjoy coming here, you know!"

"Well, then maybe you shouldn't have punched me, mudblood!"

''Shut up Malfoy! You know you're wrong!''

She was right, he did know he was wrong.

He took his medicine and rested his head against the headboard as Hermione rubbed her eyes and remained quiet the whole time.

"What's wrong?" Draco asked.


"Really? You aren't normally so tolerable."

"Why won't you ever just shut up?"

''I won't shut up unless you tell me what's wrong!''

''Why would I tell you what's wrong, of all people?''

''Why not?!''

"Why should I?!"

"You're impossible, really!"

"Do you really wish that I never punched you?!"

"Thank you for stating the obvious for once!"

"Then why did you do such a stupid thing?"

"The hippogriff was trying to kill me!"

"Shut up, Malfoy. It's no fun to even try to explain you something!"

Draco made an ugly face in return.

I'm done!
Her first morning of spending time with Malfoy was still better than she thought.


FINALLY, no more potions for today.
The Golden Trio had a one hour session of Transfiguration, followed by two potion classes back to back. All of them had just about gone through the toughest 2 hours of their lives yet.

"Blimey 'Mione, so you won't join me and Harry in the Great Hall?"
"I can't, and you know why. I'll come back as fast as I can, though."

Harry snickered at her plight. He found Hermione's situation quite funny, unlike Ron, who would vent his thoughts to him every night in the dormitory, claiming that Malfoy would 'steal their Mione!'
But Ron wasn't jealous of Hermione and Malfoy spending so much time together. According to Ron, at least.

"Goodbye, then."
Hermione sighed as she went the other way.

A.N: thank you for reading this lolol

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