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"I hate you, Malfoy."

 ★ *・

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"YOU know, Granger, we could avoid all of this if we just used your time-turner." Draco spoke in a low voice.

Hermione and Draco had been talking as usual, with Hermione trying her best to keep the conversation off the time-turner. However, Malfoy was cunning and he ultimately made the time turner the subject of the talk; his multiple attempts at doing so thus succeeding.

"What?! Never! Shut up, Malfoy!"

"Yes, it's the only way to reverse what happened!"

"I'm not going to reverse what happened! Why in Merlin's name would I not want to punch you?"

"I see! You love spending time with me!"

"NO!" Hermione's cheeks flushed a little.

"What is the reason for your disagreement then?!"

"I am not going to use the time turner for something as stupid as this! It's only for emergencies!"



"Snape would love report you and your Time Turner to the Ministry! And they too, would love to find out exactly how many times have you used it. And who exactly gave it to you. Sounds like a situation you must prevent from getting yourself into."

"How dare you?!"

"And while I tell Professor Snape about your time turner, and he informs the Ministry, my father would love to call Rita Skeeter!"

"Who's Rita Skeeter?"

Draco's smirk was the only response from his side. Seeing him like this, Hermione knew Rita was someone she really wouldn't want to know about her prized posseesion.

Hermione glared as hard as she could at him, but he seemed to be looking past it and forced her somehow, with the look he held in his eyes- the usual arrogance and superiority; to let him have a ride on her time-turner.

"I hate you, Malfoy."


"We must follow all the rules. That must be new to you, but we must."

Draco rolled his eyes as he flopped on his bed, one last time.

"First of all-"

"Don't ask any questions, I know!"

"Yes, secondly you have to remember-"

"To not tell anybody, I know!"


"Follow you very closely, Granger! Honestly, you tell me to shut up."

Hermione pretended to not hear him.


"Do not let go of my hand! Can we go now?!"

"Fine." She mumbled and took the time turner out of her pocket.

"Come here."

Hermione placed the long chain of the time turner around both of their necks.

Draco reluctantly took her hand into his' but he got surprised. Granger's hand was so soft and warm as compared to his long and rough hands that it was almost unbelievable for him to imagine that it was the same hand that had wrecked his face; and dignity.

"Alright, here we go then."

Draco took a deep breath so that he could avoid breathing on her face, it was just too close to his own.

As Hermione turned the little gold-plated hourglass of the time turner around for three times with her free hand, Draco intently observed her soft little fingers and dirty nails of the hand he held, and Hermione looked at him as the world did a small do-over.


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