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"She's as unmalfoy-ish as one could be."


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THE process took no longer than a few seconds.

In those few seconds, Draco had come to know that Hermione's hand fitted perfectly into his'. He could wrap her whole hand into his own as if protecting it from some external force.

Hermione took the chain of the time turner off their necks as Draco stood there awkwardly; waiting for Hermione to do something.

"Alright Malfoy, let's just stop the whole me-punching-you scene."

"And how are we going to do that?"

"Well, that would require you to stop being a jerk, but since that can't happen, we're going to do the next best thing."

"Get to the point, Granger!"

"Fine, just follow me close!"

They started running. They didn't have the whole day.

"This is really important. I need full co-operation, even if it's from you."

"Yeah, or we'll have to spend more time together."
Hermione smiled and Draco noticed her eyes crinkle along the edges. He could see her large teeth, just slightly visible, as she put some loose hair behind her ear.

"It's totally absurb, isn't it? Us actually spending time together?" That snapped Draco out of his gaze, and he smiled along to hide his surprised expression.

They finally stopped and maintained a decent distance from the Whomping Willow. They had reached the place where she had punched him.

"Now what do we do, Granger? The past me isn't here yet."

"Now we wait."

They sat on the ground and looked at their surroundings, while Hermione stole some quick glances at him. Draco, on the other hand, didn't spare her a glance; he didn't want to appear needy.

'Needy', even when he hadn't exactly taken a liking in her. Would he despise her even if she didn't have 'mudblood' written all over her? Or if she weren't dating Saint Potter? It was obvious that they were dating; they were always together, and they never fought! Draco's mind whizzed through all these thoughts as he finally stole a quick glance at Hermione, who was unknowingly playing with the grass then.

I can't deny that she's beautiful, though. Beautiful and intelligent. I wonder how she would react to all those volumes about our history that father has in the library?

Hermione brought her knees to her chest and rested her head on her knees.

She's as unmalfoy-ish as one could be.

And at that thought, Draco let out a little laugh.



"How are you?"

Hermione looked at him now and her eyes were full of tiredness. "I'm okay, but the thought of Buckbeak still hurts me... a lot."

Draco felt a pit of guilt in his stomach, and didn't feel like continuing the conversation any further. Hermione's eyes were filled with slight frustration as she looked at him, and he knew just why.

.*・.*・*. *・



"There you are!" Hermione pointed behind Draco, "with Goyle and Theo! Look at me approaching from the opposite side!"

Draco almost leaped as he turned around.
"With Potter and Weasley-"

But he didn't feel so excited after all. Infact, his insides did a somersault and he felt a hot liquid making its way from his brain to the insides of his chest, burning him as it went along its way. He wanted Hermione by his side; holding his hand the same way she did while they used the time turner, or else he would- he would-

"You know, Malfoy, I loved the fact that I punched you and it's a little sad that we're letting this moment turn to nothing!" Hermione joked and looked at him.

"Uhm- um yeah, uh- yeah."

And it was then that Draco Malfoy realized that even though both of them agreed with what Hermione said, they did so for very different reasons.

.*・.*・* ★

I actually liked this chapter! 😳

hey, granger ➝ dramioneWhere stories live. Discover now