Chapter 1

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I sat on my balcony thinking about my sister Jasmine, how is she? I miss much. Ever since she left I started to feel lonely. Dad was busy with his duties and I'm just left one I guess.

This is the dress I always were in the castle

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This is the dress I always were in the castle. I have more dresses but I like this one the most.

I watched as my father is sleeping on his throne. He's so cute. I decided to go to him and wake him up.

"Papa?" I tapped his shoulder as he was still sleeping.

"Papa wakey wakey time" I said and he woke up fast.

"Oh it's you Y/N!" He said and hugged me.

"Yes dad it's me" I said.

"Look at my beautiful daughter all grown up. I hope you can be a good ruler like your sister Jasmine."

I smiled at him.

"As a princess, I promise that I will do everything to protect our kingdom" I stated.

"But what is a princess without a Prince?"

He eyes me properly.

"Y/N, someday you too need to have your own family. You can't stay here in the palace forever." Dad explained.

"But dad I haven't found the one for me yet. I can't just marry someone else." I complained. He was like this to Jasmine too but she had a suitor and both of them fell inlove so I'm the one left.

"Y/N, can you just pick any Prince out there?"

"Dad, we can never tell if I'm really meant to be with a Prince. As far as I know, Prince just wants to marry a princess for their treasure!"

"But it it the law Y/N. You've got to marry a Prince and that decision is final."

I looked down and started to walk away. What is it with that law? Maybe my real soulmate isn't a Prince at all and because of that stupid law I might never meet him!

I ran to our fountain and sat there trying to find the peace that I wanted. Raja came running towards me and licked me multiple times.

"*laughs* Raja stop!that tickles!* laugh*"

Raja is our pet tiger and the only one I could talk ever since Jasmine left.

"Oh Raja what should I do?" I asked myself as I petted its head.

"I'm already 18 and I still haven't found the right guy. Did I do something wrong to end like this?"

I knew there was no reply from the tiger so I just kept on petting its hair.

I looked at our fountain's water as I looked at my reflection.

"Who is the one?" I asked myself still looking at the water.

Suddenly the water gets blury as I see another image, a seems like a guy..

I-it this him?

I was focused on the water till someone threw a coin at it making the shadow disappear.


I turned around and saw 'Jafar', dad's assistant maybe..

"Oh it's you Princess Y/N.." He said as he leaned close to me.

"Nice to see you again Princess" he grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. I pulled my hands back giving him a glare.

"Look Jafar, I have a lot of things in my mind right now. So I want to ask you, to please leave." I told him that made him chuckle.

"That's so funny Princess Y/N."

I was confused.

"Since when did you start being serious hm? I kinda love that new attitude of yours" he said.

"Excuse me?!" I shouted in rage.

"You don't have the right to talk to me like that!" I warned him and left the back.

I was in my room and started to scream. Urghhh!! I hate this place!!!

The window suddenly opened as the beautiful view of the town was seen from where I was.

I looked at the window seeing people everywhere buying clothes, furniture, foods and more. The town just looks so peaceful.

"Too bad I can't leave the castle..."

As I had other ideas in my mind. I decided to do what I wish the most..

"Imma get out here...a short walk can't be that bad"

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