Chapter 4

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Aladdin's POV

I walked back to my place as my mind kept thinking about her. Is she alright?did she get caught? She is one fine princess.

Me and Abu were gazing at the castle from our place. I wonder what she is doing there? How her life is so perfect as a princess.

Abu gave me a smirk.

"What are looking at Abu?" I asked him and he pointed at the castle.

"Yea the castle, so what?"

He act like a princess walking around and made heart hands.

"Uhh stop it Abu. You know the law. A princess should only marry a Prince and I am not." I saddened at the thought of Y/N with another guy.

"The first time I saw her, it's like my world stopped spinning and she was the only thing in my mind. I-I'm not saying I like her Abu!"

He just gave me a weird smile and just shrugged. He handed me a piece of pie as we watched the beautiful view of the castle.

"When can I see you again?"


I was in my room remembering what happened earlier in the town with Aladdin. Trying to stop myself from remembering that but that experience can't just leave my mind.

Especially Aladdin.

Thinking of him brings a smile to my face. Rajah noticed my smiling ang gave me a glare.

"What??" I asked him innocently as he kept giving me that unsure look.

"It was amazing Rajah! I was running away from the guards and this cute boy just helps me hide from them and he helped me get back here it time. Oh mann!!!" I covered my face with my pillow as I screamed as loud as I can.

I heard knocking on the door as I act like I'm reading a book again.

"*coughs* You can come in." I said as the door opened revealing Dad.

"Y/N, dinner is ready. Are you coming?" He asked. The smile on my face didn't dissapear.

"I'll go later." I replied smiling.

"What's with that smile hm?"

I hid my smile so he won't notice..but he already did like..a second ago.

"What do you mean dad? Hehe." I acted as innocent as I can.

"That smile of there a reason for that to be there?"

I started to think of an excuse.

"I-its because I uhmm...finished the book I was reading!" I lied.

But dad seemed to go along.

"Oohhh!! That's good for you! Come down if you wanna eat Ok?"

I nodded as he left my room. I jumped to bed embarrassed. Was my smile that obvious? I must have look like an idiot!!

I started to walk downstairs and a hand grabbed mine as I saw who it was and immediately went away from the guy.

"What do you want Jafar?!" I asked him as he just chuckled. "I just wanna go in the dinner table with the beautiful princess" he replied and held his hand again.

I rolled my eyes and walked away but he still trying to get my attention.

"Woah, you really are a confident princess huh?" He asked my while smirking. "Jafar I don't have time right now to talk. If you won't mind, I gotta eat." I told him.

"Oh yes! Right away princess!"

He followed me from behind.

"So, I heard that your older sister got married?" He asked.

"Why do you care?"

"As the Sultan's assistant, I gotta know every detail mi lady"

I was so sick of the nicknames he used to call me. It makes me wanna vomit.

"Just a reminder, I have a name. It's Y/N. So you better call me by my real name, not giving me some stupid nicknames!" I shouted at him as I walked down the stairs seeing the dining table.

"Oh Y/N! You're here!" Dad said and hugged me.

"Can't let you eat alone papa" I replied.

"Oohh and you're with Jafar too!"

I turned around seeing him giving me that stupid smile.

"Shall we eat?"

I was sitting with dad across me and beside him was Jafar. I don't even know why Dad wants an assistant like Jafar! There must be someone else, maybe..Aladdin?

Oh man!

"Y/N?Y/N?Are you ok?"

I came to my senses as I was thinking too much. "Sorry Papa, I was just thinking about..something" I told him.

"Seems like your daughter here has a lot of things in her mind. Maybe thinking about being a queen for the town." Jafar said

"That is not what I meant Jafar" I started to give him a glare.

"Oh Y/N, you really should be a queen. It's your 18th birthday in the next three weeks and you should find a husband of your own." Dad explained.

"Papa, I told you that I'm still not ready for this 'marriage marriage' stuff." I said.

"Sultan, I suggest you already need to find someone who will soon be Prince."

"I've got it!" Dad shouted.

I looked at him surprised.

"What is it Sultan?" Jafar asked.

"We will get some suitors for Y/N to choose!!"

When I heard that, I was shook.


"We will invite some suitors starting tomorrow! Whoever gets to be the best, wins Y/N's heart!"

I saddened at that thought.

"But Papa-"

"Your dad already decided it Y/N. No more questions!"

"And who are you to tell me what to do huh?! YOU'RE JUST AN ASSISTANT JAFAR!! PUT THAT IN YOUR MIND!!"

I stormed off and went upstairs.

"Y/N, you didn't finish your dinner yet!" Dad shouted as I ignored him and rushed to my room. I was so angry, they can't control my life! I wanted to be with someone I love! Not just some suitor coming here!

Rajah came to me and started comforting me. I'm happy I have a pet like him, even though he's more like my animal brother.

"Good thing you're here Rajah" I said and layed on my bed. I'm sure that this issue won't leave my mind for the upcoming days.

I walked to my balcony and looked at the city as his voice kept entering my mind.

"Will I ever see you again?"

I returned to my bed and waited for myself to sleep.

"Going back out there again won't be bad." I said and drifted to sleep.

Royal Love : Aladdin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now