Chapter 7

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I walked downstairs as i hear the screams of the suitor in my room, i chuckled and suddenly bumped into someone.

"Easy Princess Y/N, you might fall for me again next time." Jafar stated.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you Jafar, now i should leave." I stated and walked passed him till he started talking again.

"I thought you had a little talk with the suitor, why are you leaving?" He asked while smirking.

I didn't want him to know that I escaped the suitor, he might tell Papa and i won't be happy with that.

"I-I'm uhmm...just need a glass of water." I lied but he came a little closer that made me uncomfortable.

"Don't lie Princess, i know a person like you won't have any interest in those kinds of men."

"Really? You think you know everything i want? Then tell me what kind of guys i like..." i stated with a bit of sarcasm.


He started to walk in circles and started to think, he doesn't know me that much because i never told anyone about my likes and dislikes in life.

"You like powerful men, someone with great power and can rule many kingdoms. Someone who you are close with and..."

He walked closer to me facing me.

"that man is m-"

There was a loud slam on the door coming from upstairs. Oh no.

The suitor came out with his teared suit and messy hair, Rajah came too and was biting a piece of the suitor's suit. Was i a little too harsh?

"I'VE HAD IT!"the suitor shouted and dashed downstairs, Papa came with a shock face.

"What? Why? Was my daughter not ok?" Dad asked the suitor.

"No! Your daughter almost killed me with that tiger of hers!"

Dad stared at me and i gave him a fake smile. I am so dead.

"Maybe we could make some adjustments, some ways for you to stay? Jus-"

Dad wasn't able to finish his sentence when the door slammed closed, the suitor already left.

"Ughh Y/N, why did you do that?" Dad said turning to me.

"It's just Rajah, he was just being playful that's all." I stated innocently.

"My goodness, Y/N you should already find a partner. Your sister Jasmine already did but how about you? I wanna see all of my future grandkids before i leave." Dad said.

"But Dad you can't force me to like someone...Only my heart chooses the right person for me." I said with a frown face.

"Then tell me, who stole your heart young lady hm?"

That question made my heart beat fast though.

"I uhmm don't have an answer for that question." I said.

"Oh come on Y/N, you must have like someone."

"I guess uhmm..."

"Maybe the Princess doesn't have an interest on any man yet Your Majesty, a lady like her would like a man with power." Jafar stated.

"I'm sorry but i only choose the man that my heart chooses." I spatted and walked out. I got out to the castle fountain, they can't force me to love someone and i have the rights to choose.

I went back into my room and went to my balcony. It's so lonely inside the palace, no people to talk to, no fun, bored each day and night.

I sighed and just stared at the townspeople from outside the palace not till a monkey startled me by jumping infront of me, it was Abu.

"Oh my, Abu?" I asked and he gave a smile and handed me a paper, no not a paper, it was a note.

"Who's it from?" I asked and he just gave an innocent smile and just shrugged.

I opened the note slowly and read it.

Dear Princess Y/N,

What a beautiful day isn't it? But not as beautiful as your eyes. A princess like you just met a peasant like me, but your heart still remains the purest of all. I would like to invite the princess herself to have a walk around town to show her the beauty of Agrabah. I would love to see you again out of the palace, sometimes we just gotta leave our territory for a while to be able to see the outside world. It would be an honor if you'd take your time to walk with me around the town Princess.

I smiled and Abu noticed it. He pointed somewhere near the palace gates and there I spotted Aladdin waving at me. I waved back with a smile and nodded since I wanna go back to the town.

I made a small note for him to get too.

I'd love to have a little walk. Thank you for the offer, i appreciate it.
- Y/N

I handed Abu the note and he made his way back to Aladdin. I saw Aladdin reading the letter and had a huge smile on his face. He gave a thumbs up and i gave him one too.

Now the only thing needed for me is to leave the castle without getting caught.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2019 ⏰

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