Chapter 6

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I was about to run back to the castle when I saw the two poor kids running all the way to the suitor's way. The horse screamed and the suitor got mad.

"Urghh!! Get away you filthy rats!" He screamed and was about to hit them till someone stopped him.


He stood there protecting the two kids.

"Stop that! If I were a prince, I would never forget to learn about manners not like you!!" Aladdin said making the suitor shock.

He's brave..and dreamy..wait what?!?!stop it Y/N!!

"JUST GET OUT OF MY WAY YOU STREETRAT!" the suitor shouted and pushed Aladdin to a mud puddle.

I gasped. Embarrassed, he was trying to get up as I couldn't hold myself anymore.

I went over to him and helped him get up.

"Thanks M- What?!Y/-"

I covered his mouth and dragged him to a private part of the town.

"Keep it down!" I told him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me.

"I was planning on hanging out with you but I got some tight schedule now." I said.

"Uhh ok..sorry I kinda embarrassed myself out there." He said embarrassed.

"Don't worry. That guy will get his prize for hurting you."

"What? Why?"

"He is a suitor trying to ask for my hand in marriage. So, I got some bad plans for him later as a revenge for embarrassing you infront of everyone." I explained.

He turned red and chuckled.

"Y-you don't have to do that."

"I won't let anyone embarrass you ok? Now I gotta go, that suitor is probably gonna look for me." I said.

I was about to walk away. When he grabbed my hand.


"T-thank you Y/N."

I smiled and nod. I ran all the way back to my room and changed into something else. The thing that happened earlier can't leave my mind. He was really nice to kids, brave and protective.

How can someone like him almost define as the best ideal men? Sigh..

I changed to a dress and headed downstairs, and there was the suitor who pushed Aladdin. Ughh!! What a pig!

"Oh Y/N, there she is!" Dad pointed at me from downstairs. I was walking down the stairs and started to talking.

"Papa, I thought the suitor would arrive at 12:00? It says so on the schedule!" I told him.

"About that, Jafar changed it saying that it would be better if you and the suitor will take more than an hour to talk yah"

That little-

"Oh princess~" the suitor said.

"It is such an honor to meet an independent and fine princess like you Y/N.."

I rolled my eyes.

"Don't call me Y/N. I'm a princess." I commanded him.

"Ohh well my apologies Princess Y/N.."

I heard footsteps from the stairs and started to hear voices, it was Jafar.

"Sultan, it would be better if more suitors would come for Y/N cause we can't be that lucky that this man is really the one for her." Jafar explained.

The suitor glared at him.

"I can protect the princess in any way possible!" The suitor said confidently.

"And how can you say that?" I asked him seriously.


"That's what I've thought."

I was gonna walk away till Dad grabbed my hand.

"Come on Y/N, give this man a chance." Dad pleaded.

"But dad-"

"No buts young lady!"

I sighed.


The suitor lead me to our castle balcony.

"So princess, what do you do for fun?" He asked.

"I read books and paint."

He doesn't seem impressed.

"Oh is that so? So, do you have any pets?" He questioned me again.

An idea popped into my mind.

"Yeah, and my pet is such a civilized one. Wanna meet him?" I asked.

"I would love to my princess!!"

I stood up and told him to follow me. I opened my bedroom door and looked for Rajah.

"Now handsome, stay here as I call my pet ok?" I told him and he was mesmerized.

"S-sure my princess.."

I looked for Rajah and saw he was in my bedroom balcony.

"Hey Rajah"

The tiger moved closer to me as I pet his head.

" I'm gonna need your help boy.." I told him as he licked me which I find cute.

"Mr Handsome~My pet is here~" I said as he turned around.

"Oh how-oh my goodness!!!what is that?!?!?!"

He screamed in horror seeing Rajah.

"Oh come on, he's just my pet."

"A princess shouldn't have a pet like that! They aren't meant to be human's pets!" He shouted which made me and Rajah very angry.

"Come down here!"

He stood infront of me while sweating seeing Rajah beside me while giving him a glare.

"It would be nice if the two of you would play right?So..."

I started to walk to my door.

"You two play along ok?" I said as I shut the door leaving Rajah and the guy in my room.

I heard screams from the man making me laugh.

"Have fun you two!" I said and walked downstairs.

Royal Love : Aladdin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now