Chapter 3

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The cute guy pulled me up the roof and we ran for our lives. This guy can't be that bad.

"The streetrat got the princess! Find them quick!" I heard one of the guards shouted.

"What's your name beauty?" The guy asked still running. "Don't you think it's a bad time to ask a question like that?" I smirked at him he just shrugged.

"You can't blame me if I'm really curious of your name cutie"

We ran and ran so that we could hide from the guards.

"Don't worry, I'm already good at it."

"Find them quick!" The guards shouted.

"Oh no.."

"Don't yah worry princess" he carried me in his back. He seemed to have a plan, and that is to jump over the other side of a big wall. I don't know if this guy is just stupid thinking that we would make it to the other side.

"Do you really think you can jump over that wall?!with me on your back?!" I asked him.

"Yeah! With a little trust!" He replied confidently. Maybe this guy isn't that bad.

"Yeah hahaha!" I followed him as I realized what he meant by 'trust'.

"Woah woah woah!! You mean there's a chance we won't make it?!" I asked him terrified.


"I am not going there if all I'm gonna get are broken bones and a broken rib if we fall." I commanded.

As I was about to jump away from him, I heard the guards coming closer. I looked at him and he was smirking at me.

"So, still wanna stay here? As far as I know, if they already caught you, they will double the security so you can never leave the palace." He explained.

I had no choice.

"Urghhh!! Fine.."

"Hold on"

He started to back away to estimate how high he should jump.

"There they are!!"

As I turned around, the guards were already there and the guy started running.

I covered my eyes as he jumped on the wall and went to the other side.

We landed on a teared bed and already got away from the guards.

"They got away!!"

I laughed as I saw the guy helping me stand. I grabbed his hand and looked at him.

"Thanks so much for the help!" I exclaimed which he returned with a smile.

"That's what I do!" He replied.

"You wanna check my place?" He asked.

"That doesn't sound so bad."

We started to walk to some road with houses and people too but lesser than earlier.

"Where are we?" I asked him.

"This is the side part of the town, and this is were mostly people live."

"Oohh is that so?"

He lead me to a place and there were kids running everywhere. After a couple of minutes, we arrived to a place and it seemed like his place.

"Here we are!" He shouted as the monkey I saw earlier came with some foods in his hands.

"So, this is you place huh?" I asked him.

"Yeah, but the view is nice!" He opened the curtain as it revealed the palace. I didn't realized how beautiful our castle were from afar.

"Woahh it looks-"

"Beautiful?cool?amazing?" He cutted me. I just laughed


"So you are the princess of the castle?" He asked me.

"Yeah, and maybe soon to be queen." I told him.

"Queen?" His smile suddenly dissapeared.

"My dad is forcing me to marry someone. I told him that I just didn't find my soulmate yet but they wanted me to get married already."

His expression was blank.

"Hey you ok?" I asked him

"Yeah but..dont you think that's unfair?not letting you find the guy you really love?" He said that made me shook.

I looked down before talking again.

"I too want to find the guy who is really meant for me, but what if my soulmate isn't a Prince? I can never get to meet him because of that stupid law!"

He looked at me surprised.

"So..your saying that your alright with any guy?even if they aren't Prince or anything?" He asked.

"I don't care what he is. As long as I love him and he loves me and will to everything to protect me, that's all that matter."

He seemed to chuckle.

"Wait, I didn't asked your name yet.." I told him and he smiled.

"I'm Aladdin."

Aladdin?cute name..

"Pretty cool name you got there.." I told him.

"Not as beautiful as your name Princess Y/N" he suddenly smiled as my cheeks went red.

"No need to call me princess. You can call me Y/N."

"Ohh ok 'Y/N'.." I laughed at how he expressed my name.

As I looked at him he was still smiling, he was also staring at me.

I felt red.

I looked at my watch as I saw what time it is. It's 5:48!! Dad is going to check on me at 6:00!!

"Oh shoot! I gotta go!" I started to cover my face again.

"What? Why?" He asked.

"My dad is always checking if I'm in my room and it's almost 6:00!! Oh no.." I felt scared at how my dad would worry If I'm not in my room.

"Come on! We can still make it!" He grabbed my hand and jumped off the place we were at.

"Ahhh!!" I shouted in fear as we landed on a roof.

"Woah, we gotta get fast now Y/N." He carried me to his back again and he started hopping on the roof while letting out a funny squeak that made me laugh, after hopping were already in the castle wall all I need to do is went up the rope I let out earlier.

I looked back at him and he was still wearing that smile.

"I guess this is goodbye." I said

"Yeah I guess."

As I was about to grab the rope he touched my shoulder as I looked into his eyes.

"Will I ever see you again?"

That just made me skip a heart beat.

"Don't worry..I'll try and sneak out some time." I said and he just nodded.

"Bye Aladdin."

"Bye Y/N."

I finally made it to my room and kept the rope till I heard footsteps coming.

I removed my cloak and threw it under my bed and immediately jumped on my bed and act like I was reading a book.

The door opened revealing dad.

"You ok Y/N?"

"I'm fine dad..just reading a book hehe" I replied and showed him the book I was holding.

"Oh ok..i hope you had fun this afternoon" he said then left..

"Ohh yes I did."

Royal Love : Aladdin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now