Chapter 5

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I woke up at 6:00 am and prepared my plan for another escape. My plan goes like this, leave castle at 7:00, hangout with Aladdin and get back at the castle at 12:00.

"With a little trust, it will be perfect!"

All I need to do is check the schedule to see if going back here at 12:00 is the perfect time. I walked down the stairs as I went to the front door where the schedule is always is.

"Aha! Here it is!"

Morning Schedule
7:00am to 7:45 - Royal Breakfast
8:00am to 10:00 - Training of Royal Guards of the Castle
10:00 to 12:00- Cleaning of pathway
12:00 to 2:00 - Coming of Suitor Number 1
2:00 to 6:00 - Free time
6:00 to 7:00 - Royal Dinner
8:00 -Sleep hour


"Y/N!! What made you so early?" I turned to see my dad running all the way to me.

"Papa, I thought you were still sleeping?" I asked him.

"I just woke up. What about you?"

I was trying to find an excuse till Dad started speaking again.

"Nevermind what I just said! So are you excited?"

I was confuse.

"Excited for what?"

"The coming of a suitor of course!"

"Oh that uhm...maybe?"

"You should be! I heard it was a nice guy!" He said while chuckling.

Nice his butt.

"What if you take a long nap again Dad? To make you active for the arrival of that suitor guy. I'll not attend the Royal Breakfast for now, cause I would be really busy preparing." I lied.

"Oh ok! Make sure you're prepared ok?"

"Yes papa"

He hopped on the way to his room as I finally finished my plan. Well...almost!

I ran to my room and wore something simple and of course my cloak. I don't want the Royal guards to follow me again.

Got my rope tied on the balcony and kissed Rajah on his head.

"I'll be back at 12:00 don't worry."

Holding onto the rope and slowly trying to land safely and I did. I stare at the town for the second time in my life!! and I'll try to be more sneaky this time.

I was just walking pass by some people buying foods. Then some street performer started to do some magic tricks, I stayed for a while.

"Lets make this card disappear!"

He closed both of his hands and asked a volunteer to blow his hand. When he opened his hands the card was gone. That was amazing!

I clapped my hands and started to get cheery.

"But where did that card go?" The performer asked. He suddenly pointed to me.

"What about you Miss? Have you seen that card?" He asked me. I don't know where that card went, maybe it really disappeared.

"I-I don't know sir." I replied.

He went to me a little closer. "Oh really?? Then what's this?" He checked behind my ear and there was the card earlier. I was amazed.

"Wow! That was so cool." I told him.

"And since this card went to you, let's see the message it has." He said and showed me the card.

King of Hearts

"King of Hearts? What does that mean?" I asked him. He examined the card before talking.

"You're lucky madam. The message it has says that you are very lucky." He said.

"Lucky? Why?"

" It says someone will come to you, introduce himself to you and will ask for your hand. Someone who is brave, confident, protective, and loves you more than himself. That guy loves you eternally and will make a great king of your life and whoever he was, both of you will still continue your love to each other."

What does he mean King? I looked at the card as I was still examining what he meant.

"Here, I'll give this card to you." He gave me the king of hearts card and a question suddenly pops into my mind.

"How can I find him?" I asked him.

"Just follow your heart dear."

With that I thanked him and kept looking at the card. What did he mean?

"It's the streetrat!!" someone screamed.

I looked to see some guards trying to catch someone covering its face with a brown cloth.

"Bring back that bread scoundrel!"

The guy turned around and my jaw dropped.


He was trying to get away from the guards and he was holding a bread. Is he really a criminal?!

I followed to where they kept going till I lost them.

"Ughh..where'd they go?" I asked myself. Till I saw someone jumped on a high window using a normal carpet followed by the guards falling onto manure.

"That's gonna require a lot of soap" I heard Aladdin said from afar. Maybe he didn't see me cause he just went away. I followed to where he was going.

Why didn't he tell me he was a thief!! Ughh!! I followed him and saw him on the side part of town and Abu was also there. They got the bread on their hands.

"Great job Abu! Breakfast is served!" Aladdin said. Urgh!!That little thief!

I was about to walk to him and shout at him as he stopped and stared at something. He didn't eat his bread yet and I saw what he was looking at. There was a poor girl with his poor brother picking some dirty food from the trash.

My heart sank seeing those kids. Aladdin looked down then at Abu, Abu himself started eating his bread. What is he gonna do?

Aladdin stood up and went to the two kids and handed them his bread.

"Come on. Take this. You two need it more than I do." He said.

I felt tingly inside when Aladdin gave them the bread. I looked at him. Maybe he isn't just a streetrat after all. There's something more in him.

Abu gave them the bread too and Aladdin headed to the place where there were many people. I was curious on what it was. I saw a horse coming with someone on it.

Wait..I thought the suitor would arrive at 12:00?!it's still 9:30.

I looked a little closer and saw who it really was.


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