Chapter 2

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I changed my clothes and wore a red cloak to hide my identity.
I grabbed a rope from my cabinet and started to tie to my bedroom balcony. The height isn't that high so it will be pretty easy...i hope.

As soon as I tie the rope and was about to leave Rajah came bursting through the door and started to pull me back inside.

"No no Rajah stop!" I told him and patted his head. He gave me a worried look.

"Oh Rajah, I can't just stay inside the castle for life. I need to know what it feels to live outside." He licked my cheek.

"Don't worry..I'll be back.."

I gave him a kiss on the forehead and went down the rope. Hope no one sees me. I was about to jump on the wall slowly as I heard Jafar's voice came closer.

I lost balanced and fell on the ground.

"Ow.." I winched at the pain but soon saw the town infront of me.

"I-I did it.." I smiled and ran over the townspeople. People were everywhere. I saw some food vendors too. It was my so called paradise.

No one's POV

Aladdin was just sitting on top of a vendor's shop eating an apple. Abu on the other hands was trying to steal some food.

"Nice job Abu" Aladdin told his monkey. They both high fived and continued eating.

Y/N was just walking around the vendors with the cloak covering her face. Aladdin was about to get more apples as his eyes landed on Y/N.

He saw her wearing a cloak with a hoodie.

"Hmm..never seen that girl often here right Abu?" The monkey just shrugged.

He kept eyeing the princess in disguise as the wind blew her hoodie showing her feature.

"Woahh" he was looking at the beautiful maiden that was just walking. He was in a trance.

Y/N herself was trying to cover her face to not let anyone see her. Aladdin was still eyeing her as she saw two little kids asking for some food.

"Aww...dont have anything to eat huh?" She asked them and bought some bread.

"Thank you miss" the two kids said.

"Anytime boys.." she replied and turned to the vendor.

"What a kind hearted maiden you are miss..." the vendor told her.

"Just trying to help the poor kids sir." She smiled that made Aladdin melt more.

The vendor seemed startled while looking at the maiden infront of her.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" He asked as she realized her face was seen.

"Uhh...n-no sir.."

As he realized who it was.

"P-princess Y/N?!" He shouted making everyone looked at me. Y/N covered her face and said.

"You've must be mistaken sir, I-I'm not the princess!"

Aladdin saw the whole shouting and saw some guards coming. Y/N frightened as everyone saw her identity.

'What is the princess doing here?'

'Why is she dressed like that?'

'She isn't allowed to leave the castle right?'

The people starts whispering as she heard one of the guards calling her.

"Your majesty!What are you doing outside the castle?!" They tend to get close to Y/N.

"Leave me alone. I have the right to leave the castle whenever I want!" Y/N stated.

"But princess, your dad might look for you!"

Y/N started running away from them as they followed her. Aladdin had an idea in his mind on how to get the princess attention.

"This is gonna be fun."

Y/N ran around the vendors and tried to hide.

"Oh man what have I gotten myself into?" She asked herself and continued to run. It was a dead end and she couldn't cross to the other side of the wall. The guards surrounded her.

"Look princess, were just trying to follow the sultan's order." One of the guards said.

"I'm the princess, you should follow my rules too! And I hate being inside that castle." She replied

"Princess, you can just talk to your dad about this. Right now you have to go back to the castle. A suitor is there for you."

Hearing this made Y/N back away a little. She saw a hand from the window as saw it was a man, ruffled hair, mesmerizing eyes and a sweet smile.

"Hey! Wanna get out of here?" He asked. Y/N wanted to get away from the guards so she took Aladdin's hand.


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