Scene 4 - Jail

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We have another shot of the exterior of the police station, Spanner and O'Grady are inside in the office again

Dick Spanner:

I went back to the station, and O'Grady was not pleased to see me

O'Grady and Spanner are sat in the exact same places as before, with Lieutenant O'Grady looking even more fierce and aggressive whilst continuing with his usual grunts. He rises in fury as Dick Spanner tells his story.

He had already warned me not to interfere with the case, but I reminded him of three important things. Firstly, it's my job to investigate and save lives, in this case, the Princess, secondly, somebody laid a trap for me, and thirdly if I hadn't diffused that bomb, anyone could have opened that door and take up the entire street with them, or it would have taken it up anyway with the delay. But, he wasn't listening, maybe O'Grady was just having a bad day.

The lieutenant grunts for another hugely muscular police officer to come in and takes him away whilst O'Grady sits on his large chair and watches Spanner being taken away ruthlessly by the newly arrived officer.

He called out for a guard to come and throw me in a cell for disobeying the law, so he described, O'Grady keeps to his word you know.

Spanner is dragged out into the corridor to his cell. The mighty butch prison officer pulls Spanner with him into the corridor where Spanner looks rather nervous about who he must spend a cell with. In the other cells, the inmates scream out in agony and reach out for anything to get themselves out of their isolated rooms.

Inmate 1:

Get me out of here!

Inmate 2:

You wanna' fight mate?

Inmate 3:

Come on sunny, I'll pay ya' if ya' release us.

Spanner turns to the camera with disgust.

Dick Spanner:  

It's not the first time I've been in a cell, the only last time was for my own curiosity, but I got out thankfully. I asked the guy if he would put me in an empty cell, but he wasn't interested.

The officer halts to a random door uses a key from a selection to open the huge, vault-like prison door with a terrifying screech as it swings open in front of him, then throwing in Spanner like a piece of light litter.

A fine mess I've got myself into that time.

With an enormous amount of power, the guard throws Spanner into the cell, who lands headfirst into a cob-webbed skeleton disposed at the back wall of the prison. We hear the door close with that terrifying screech again. The robotic investigator picks himself up from the tangled cob-webs of the now broken skeleton.

Well, how was I gonna get out of this one? With now only two days left to track her down, I think my luck was starting to run out. Then again, I had a cellmate that could help me plan an escape route.

Standing on the other side of the cell is another stocky, well-built prisoner with a rather menacing look on his brutishly dumb face

He asked me who I was and what I had been caught for, so I told him to call me Dick Spanner, Private Investigator and had been caught for investigating. The guy told me that he had been recently caught after he was mistaken for the kidnap of the Princess because he was near the scene of the crime.

He then places his hands in his coat pocket, wandering.

He described the kidnappers as several short, thin men who were quick, one featured an eye patch apparently – fat lot of good that's gonna do, though you never know in my experience. I started to think hard on an escape route because I wasn't gonna sit around for the Princess' time to end. I thought about trying something in my pocket, who knows, it could be the escape route.

Dick Spanner: The Case of the Lost PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now