Scene 9 - Takeoff, crash, abort

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A huge, powerful plane glides over the fence with the basic sign of "The Airport" standing up by the fence. Popping his head open next to the wheels of a plane, Spanner observes the airport around for anything

Dick Spanner:

It took me 14 hours to get to the airport through the sewers, I know it's breaking some security and all that, I had already blown up the art gallery so that was the least of my problems.

Picking himself up out of the drain, Dick Spanner, looking rather lost and confused, looks up to his relatively vast plane which stands tall above him and then looks around the plane as he notices the letters "104" on the plane.

Next to me was a huge plane that was parked near the runway, it had the letters 104 in a dark blue on it so I obviously came to the right place, exactly the right plane. I made my way around the plane for anyone.

He makes his way round to the front of the plane where there was bound to be a pilot or stewardess, before reaching the steps that enter the plane, where at the top is a short, ugly-looking man dressed as a pilot.

At the top of the steps to the plane was a short looking man dressed in uniform. He called out to me, "Ya' name Spanner?". I said that's me, then he told me to get on the plane as I was expected.

The short man in uniform enters the plane with Spanner attentively makes his way up the steps into the plane.

I once again knew that this was another trap, but anyway I went into the plane.

The compartment is nothing too similar to the style of current planes, with a vast selection of seats to choose from, the pilot's cabin was closed and locked. Spanner, on his guard, politely sits on the chair closest to him.

I didn't like it one bit, I could feel my wires again, the brown, live wire has felt like it had too much current.

Without warning, the opening door ends, leaving Spanner on his own

Now it was just me alone in the room, but I was prepared.

Dick Spanner holds a gun in his right hand, just in case, and raises if the pilot or anyone else comes in to do anything to him. Then, two thick, metal slides come wrap around him and blocking him, although he could still get out because it wasn't very tight.

Then I was trapped, however, thankfully, the idiot that installed this didn't make it very tight, so I could still get out.

We hear the engines start to roar.

But I was still trapped in the aircraft which was about to take off.

Two pilots sit at the complex set of controls, holding the wheels and both make little sounds to each other, like mumbling and not wearing seat belts. The aircraft gently taxes onto the runway, where it dramatically picks up speed, getting faster and faster and faster.

Two out of three ain't bad.

After enough velocity, the plane raises its wheels above ground level and narrowly misses the gate and a security guard as it rises into the sky and the heavens.

Security guard:


Flight 104, once she gains enough altitude, turns around one hundred and eighty degrees to the East.

Dick Spanner:

The plane had been hi-jacked with me as hostage and had just taken an unauthorized takeoff.

Now under pressure, Spanner wriggles himself out of his seat with his trap attached to it.

Dick Spanner:

I was able to get out of the seat and hid down behind the one in front of me for the pilot to have an encounter with me.

He hides behind the seat in front of him. The plane is stable at a horizontal before seconds later it rotates by ten degrees and is heading for a crash into the ocean. The camera turns with the plane, so everything is now at ten degrees, Spanner reacts quickly.

I then figured out that the trap was to lure me onto the plane and then crash into the ocean killing us all together, the door to the pilot compartment opened with the same pilot standing with a gun in his hand.

Spanner is still taking cover behind that seat, as the door opens the same pilot is standing upfront with a vicious look to him and a loaded gun in his hand.


Ok Spanner! We know you're in here, soon this plane is gonna come crashing into the ocean and you'll die with us! No tricks.

Dick Spanner:

I did some quick thinking suddenly.

He notices the window and, through the seats, points his gun at the window whilst holding tightly to the metal plate that swings round.

I probably killed them, but if I didn't act then we'll all die. I shot at the window.

As tightly as possible, he clings onto the seat with all his metallic strength as he shoots the window as an explosion of wind sucks the two pilots out of the plane to their deaths with agonizing screams as Spanner stills hangs on powerfully. After several seconds, another window slides up to stop anything else being sucked out into the clouds, the wind then calms down and stops as Spanner gratefully relaxes.

They had gone thankfully, but we were still crashing!

Realizing the danger, he races up to his feet and, although we don't see him, dashes over to the controls. The aircraft is still plummeting into the ocean without any difference in angle. From the altitude reader, which is measured every two hundred metres, we can see the plane dropping height rapidly. Spanner is at the controls of the plane and is pulling the aircraft out of its dive with all that metallic strength he has.

We had seconds before the plane was about to crash!

From his face and sweat, he really is pulling the wheel up with all his strength. We are facing the side of the plane as it's on course with the ocean, but slowly it turns to a perfectly straight horizontal line as it glides inches above the aqua blue ocean as rockets back up. Because the plane is now travelling so fast out of the dive, we lose the plane as it sores off to the right of the screen. A second shot shows the plane from a bird's eye view from the sky as we see the plane narrowly miss the camera on its right side again. The third and final shot of the plane shows it steady again travelling horizontally towards the East. Dick Spanner gives another huge sigh of relief as he relaxes on the seat, yet still able to control the plane.

Boy, that was sure close! Anyway, with the two pilots disposed of, I made my way on course to the Gobi Desert to find my destination, it's a big place to search for one single temple, but fortunately, I spotted that we had a course to fly. We would be there in two hours at the present speed and direction. My first time flying a plane and I think I was doing a good job.

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