Concluding 2018

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Hello people, and Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas!

2018 is coming to an end and I wan't to share with you guys what great things happened this year.

2018 is when I truly became myself as a Professional Gamer, Musician, and a Content Creator on YouTube.

I started taking all of these "hobbies" seriously, and all of these hobbies affected who I am right now.

Back in January 2018, I got the hang of school as a freshman in high school. That year was one of the best years ever, and I'll get to why that is later.

I started hanging out with good friends, and became more social.

This brought confidence in me to try to, "get out there" as the people say. So I got out there with my music, people really like the music I write. Especially people in my school. My friends would listen to my album "Beyond The Edge", they said that I should keep up with music and you'll go places.

So I did, and I didn't let anyone down, but we can also talk about that later.

March 25, 2018. This day was one of the birthdays in my life, at the moment. This is the day I turned 15, and at the time, I felt really alive. I felt more free, especially at the place I went with my family and friends. National Harbor. At that time, the weather, and the season made it one of the best birthdays ever.

Around the end of March, I started getting into PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds full-time, but I didn't stream it. I would only record a few videos of me playing PUBG. I still play PUBG to this day, I love the game, and hate it at the same time.

People in school would ask me why I play PUBG and not Fortnite. I would be like, "Because I can." People would hate me for playing PUBG, but I didn't care.

Around the end of my freshman school year, so like around the end of June. I met this wonderful, and beautiful girl. I had feelings for her than any other person I knew. I hung out with her for all the times I could hang out with her. I would be with her in Physical Education, and at the end of the school days. I would always take the time to see her and say goodbye to her at the end of school days.

The 2nd day before school ended, I asked her out. I asked her if we could bike around town during the summer. I unfortunately got rejected, not because of me, but because of her family. She had to go to Japan with her family over the summer. I understood that, but I still really liked her.

After June, and summer came, I didn't see her, and over summer. I will leave it at that for now.

On the bright side though. I got into this Overwatch Competitive League team. We were called IDOT. The team was short lived though, apparently over the people in the team, not getting along. Especially one of our members called all of us out and saying that we are "annoying". That ended us being in an actually Overwatch League Tornament.

I myself, still played Overwatch solo, but as a part-time professional at the game.

July 31, 2018. The time where my life basically changed. The time where my perspective of the world changed. The time where my perspective of people changed.

Going to San Francisco was the best times of 2018 for me.

The weather was absolutely perfect there.

The hotels were really nice.

The places we went were astonishing.

The food there was also really delicious!

The best thing at San Francisco was going to Japantown. When I went there, all I remembered was the Japanese girl I hung out with at the end of my freshman school year. It reminded me or made me remember the times I spent with her. It was really an emotional experience when I went there. I loved that place, and I want to go there again.

I want to stop thinking about San Francisco, It gets me a little emotional, because that was one of the best moments of 2018 by far, in terms of, freedom. It was cool being away from home, and going to a place that is basically a dream, but when you go there it's real.

After vacation, nothing interesting really happens, so I'll just skip to school.

10th grade, sophomore year in high school.

Already really busy.

Busy to the point where me and the girl I hung out with at the end of freshman year, couldn't even talk to each other anymore.

But I'm sure when things aren't busy, we'll be able to talk again.

In my gaming life, getting affiliated on Twitch was a really good feeling. Getting affiliated feels like I have done something good for my fans and for the gaming community.

Streaming full-time is cool and all, but I still have school to worry about.

Same goes with writing on Wattpad.

I really hope you enjoyed my first original Romance story, or original crossover with Anohana.

To the fans that are on here reading this,

Thank you for your support through my year in 2018.

- Jintamiko

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