I'll Make Up My Mind...

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4:00PM - End Of School.

Kodoku almost fell asleep in the last few minutes of class. It's now three in the afternoon, Kodoku just want to get out of class. The class was doing nothing but being silent; typical end of day result of Wednesday dismissal.

The dismissal bell rung in the room and everyone stood up from their chairs. Kodoku woke up with all of his consciousness in him.

Kodoku stood up and walked out of the classroom, "Have a good day, Sensei Tokoga!" Kodoku said to his Photographer teacher.

"See you tomorrow in the halls, Kodoku!" Sensei Tokoga replied.

Meet Jikan at the tree...

Kodoku quickly walked to his locker and grabbed his backpack to put his binder and camera inside.

Kodoku closed his locker and proceeded to walk to the walkway with the tree.

Jikan was already sitting down under the cherry blossom tree. Kodoku walked up to her. Jikan noticed Kodoku walk towards her and waved at him.

"Hi, Ko!" Jikan said in a kawaii voice.

"Hi Jikan!" Kodoku said, "You can just call me Kodoku."

"No, I like, Ko!" Jikan insisted.

"Okay..." Kodoku said. "Anyway, you go here often?"

"Yeah, actually me and my friend go here before school." Jikan said. "Her name is Anjou."

"Anjou, isn't she a freshman?" Kodoku asked. "The freshman in our home room?"

"Yeah, how did you know?" Jikan curiously asked.

"I've been hearing some discussion about her being harassed by an older student from this school. He tried to take Anjou to a love hotel to tried to have sex with her." Kodoku stated. "Is that true."

Jikan looked stoned for a second, "Yeah, in fact I'm trying to get her to get over it."

"Good thing you're there to help." Kodoku said.

"I just want to make her feel better," Jikan said. "I don't understand."

"What don't you understand?" Kodoku asked, putting his right hand on Jikan's left shoulder.

Jikan looked at Kodoku in the eyes, "Anjou is the victim of what happened, and she is getting gossiped about it!"

"I know... It's really sad." Kodoku felt Jikan's feelings. "Anjou would never do such thing! Anjou will never sell herself for money, at a love hotel!"

"I know right!" Jikan said. "It's really messed up!"

"Uh what's going on here?" Kodoku looked behind himself to see a girl with orange hair.

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