* Kimi Ga Kureta Mono *

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5:30PM - Hanami, Japan.

Kodoku was dropped off to the main entrance of where the Anohana Homecoming takes place in Hanami.

There are a lot of high school students there dressed up nice and of course, lots of couples.

There is one thing that was in Kodoku's mind.

Find Jikan.

Kodoku walked through the big Shinto Shrine entrance and entered a realm of cherry blossom trees.

Am I dreaming right now? This place is beautiful!

Kodoku knew that Jikan would be under a cherry blossom tree. Kodoku wouldn't be surprised if Jikan was under a cherry blossom tree, he knows Jikan with that analogy. He couldn't stop thinking about Jikan, and thinking about Jikan under cherry blossom trees.

Kodoku walked around the place for a while, thinking about Jikan while he does.

3 Minutes Later...

"Kodoku!" Kodoku heard someone call his name from a far. "Kodoku!"

Kodoku looked around him to where the voice is coming from.

Kodoku saw in the corner of his eye, Jikan.

Jikan, wearing her dark purple suit, just like Kodoku's suit.

Kodoku glanced at Jikan for a bit until his emotions took over him, he started to run towards Jikan.

Kodoku and Jikan ran towards each other and once they came close, they hugged super tight.

Kodoku spun Jikan around while hugging her, and they were laughing in joy.

Jikan released a tear from her eye when they stopped hugging each other.

"I wanted to say this the first time I started talking to you." Kodoku said.

Jikan smiled and looked at Kodoku, "What did you want to say?"

"I love you." Kodoku sobbed in happiness.

"Kodoku!" Jikan started to cry. "I love you too!!" Jikan broke down in happiness and they both hugged each other tightly.

Kodoku and Jikan walked over to the nearby lake that was in the area to sit down together on the grass under the cherry blossom trees.

"I wrote this for you, Jikan." Kodoku pulled out a paper out of his suit's front pocket as they sat down."

Jikan grabbed the paper Kodoku had in his hand, and unfolded it. Jikan read the paper.

I'll never forget being with you at the end of summer.

With our dreams of the future and big hopes.

I believe that ten years later in October, we'll meet again here.

I knew that, until the end, you were shouting.

"Thank you" from the bottom of your heart.

Farewell while smiling and holding back tears is so hard.

Such great memories... With you, Jikan.

Jikan got emotional and instantly broke down, she dropped the paper to turn to her left and hug Kodoku.

Her tears dripped onto Kodoku's suit, and pants, but he didn't care.

The Cherry Blossoms That Bloomed That DayWhere stories live. Discover now