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November 19, 4:30pm

 Dear Journal,
It has been three weeks since Elliot and I came home from the Palace, and we have never been happier. Coming home to our home town as a couple felt great. I mean, we've only been together for a month. . . but we're still thriving. I like him so much and I see something in our relationship that I never had with anyone. I look forward to going to work everyday because after Elliot's lectures, he comes over to my office and talks to me. Kya probably hates it, but it doesn't affect my overall performance so there's nothing she can complain about. Tonight, Elliot and I are going to go on a date. We started this tradition where every Friday, we go on a date to somewhere we've never gone before. It's amazing to see how much your don't know about the city you have lived your whole life in. Anyways, Elliot comes in an hour so I better start getting ready. I'll write some more later.


After I finished writing, I put my old journal in it's hiding place. I always hide precious things under 3 loose floorboards in my room. Something about hiding it there makes it seem more special. After, I go over to my record player and put in a vinyl. Celeste had recommended Tierra Chanel to me while we were in the Selection and ever since then I have been hooked on her music. 

Elliot and I are going to a one-room vintage art museum tonight so I decide to wear something cute, but casual. I throw on a simple pastel yellow dress. It had long sleeves that were fitted at the top of the arm but loose at the end making a bell-like effect. The neckline in a v shape and the length was right above my knee. The best part about this dress, though, was the material. It was a thick satin, making me feel like I was wearing a cloud. I then, for shoes, I put on some white two-inch heels. 

I went into my bathroom. to de my hair and light makeup. I used a wave iron on my hair to create the effect of carefree beach waves, then took two strands of hair that were resting closest to my face (but on opposite sides) and tied them back in a pretty knot. Next, for makeup, I used a shiny lip gloss to accent my cupids bow, then finished the look off by using a brown mascara on my eye lashes. 

I took a step back to see my finished look, and I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't look bad. I wonder what Elliot is going to think.

I walked downstairs to wait on the couch for Elliot to arrive and saw my dad sitting there, reading his newspaper. "Hey," I say, which took his eyes from the paper to me. 

"Hi, sweetheart. Why are you all dressed up?" He asked. It has been three Fridays into this tradition and my dad still doesn't catch on. 

"I'm going on a date with Elliot, Dad," I respond slightly annoyed. It's not like I expect him to know my every move, but I hate having to remind him all the time. 

For some reason he looked irritated. "You're still going out with him. I thought this was going to be a quick thing," he responded. I was shocked. Is my dad saying he doesn't like Elliot? Everybody likes Elliot. 

"Yep. I'm still seeing him. He is my boyfriend," I say, trying not to lose my patience. 

"Don't you think he's a little old for you?" My dad asks, making my jaw drop. So he doesn't like Elliot. This doesn't make sense!

"Dad, I'm 19. He's 26. There's only a seven year difference. He is also an amazing man who he likes me for ME. I don't see why you have a problem with him. You're the one who wanted me to meet him at the damn party!" I say, starting to raise my voice. 

"As a mentor! Someone to look up to! Not a damn lover! You're going to get hurt again Kriss, and don't say I didn't warn you," my father says, his voice getting cold towards to end. I couldn't believe this. I didn't know how to react.

As a last snarky comment I say, "good thing our opinion doesn't matter to me anymore." And with that, I turn around and walk out the front door without looking back. 

I sat in the tree swing for maybe 10 minutes before Elliot came. What hurt was that my Dad didn't even notice that I was still there. 

I got up and ran to Elliot as fast as I can in these heels. At the sight of me running towards him, he got out if his car and started to say, "Kriss what's wro--." But I cut his words off with a hug. Elliot immediately hugged me back, and with that, I knew everything was going to be okay. Who cares what my father thinks? All that matters is me and Elliot.

After the embrace, we both got situated in his car and started to drive off. 

"What was that all about?" Elliot asked. 

"Which part? Me sitting alone outside, or me running to you like you were god himself?" I responded with a sly grin. 

He laughed as he responded. "Both."

"Well, I was mad at my dad so I was separating myself by sitting outside," I responded, leaving out the truth. 

"Why were you mad at him?" He asked, looking me in the eye. This made it hard to lie. I didn't like lying to Elliot, but I didn't want him thinking about my dad not approving. It's better if he just doesn't know. But I never got to respond.

As I break away from his stare, looking forward, I see a swerving car right in front of us. I scream "Elliot look ou-" 

Then, time stopped. 

Author's note:

Lollll left you on a little cliffhanger. Thanks for reading!! Feel free to comment or message me any suggestions. <3


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2018 ⏰

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