8: Date Night

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I knock on the door to her house. Why am I so nervous? It's a stupid date. Cheryl opens the door and looks amazing. "Wow. You look-." She walks out. "Amazing? I know." We walk to the car. "Where are we going?" She ask. "You'll see." I drive off and go to sweetwater. "Of course you brought me here." She laughs. "There's more." We get out and walk to our spot and I paid Sweet Pea and Fangs to decorate it. "Toni this is amazing, when did you do this?" She raps her arms around me. "When we were at your house. I got Sweet Pea and Fangs to help me." We sit down. "Sorry if you were expecting something fancy. I couldn't afford anything like that." Cheryl takes my hands. "I grew up rich, we would do all that fancy stuff. I hate it, I like doing normal things like this." We talk for hours watching the sun set. I still can't get over how beautiful she looks in her red skirt. "Why did you join the serpents?" She ask casually. I take a sip of my water because Cheryl won't let me drink. "I met Fangs and the serpents. I was lost, I had been house to house. I met Fangs at school and I told him how lost I was and the rest is history." I say quietly playing with my tie. "Do you regret it?" She ask sitting up. "Yes and no. It's protection, the history of the gang is what sucks." She takes my hand and pulls me closer. "Toni, my family hates the serpents and because of that I don't." She says quietly. I laugh. She sits in front of me. "I think we should go home. I have something for you."
We get up and walk away. I text Fangs and Sweet Pea to clean it up. We get back to her house and immediately go upstairs. I rip off my shirt as she takes off her dress and turns around. "If you're are not comfortable stop me." She says as we start to make out. I pick her up and lie her on the bed. We make for a few more minutes and all our clothes quickly come off except my underwear obviously. I slide on the strap on. We kiss for a few minutes until I slowly slide in her. "Toni." She moans out. I kiss her neck as thrust faster into her. Her moans get louder as I thrust into her. She rubs her hands on my abs. She raps her legs around me. I move my hands down her stomach and rub her clit. Her moans some how get louder. "Oh my god I'm gonna- ahh fuck me." She cums all over me. I slow down and get off her. She rolls over to face. I kiss her slowly. I pull the blanket over ourselves. I grab a box out of my pocket from my pants. "Cher." She looks at me. "When we broke up, you gave this back to me. I was wondering if you would want to have it back?" I open the box to reveal the promise ring. "Let me think about it." The smiles. "Of course." She says quietly. I kiss her slowly and put the ring on her finger. "Toni, can I ask you something that might be personal?" She sits up. I nod. "Yeah, what's up?" She takes a deep breath. "Why were you so afraid to come out to me?" I look down. "Because i've come out to people and they have kicked me out of their life, I didn't want it to happen again. You seemed really nice and I had the biggest crush on you." I say quietly. "Toni, I would never do that." I sit up slowly. I know she's right, but still. "I didn't know that at the time." She cups my cheek and kisses me. "I love you, Toni Topaz." She says quietly with a smile on her lips. I smile softly. "I love you Cheryl more than anything." I love this girl more than anything. Luckily she knows that.

I walk into my house a few hours after I said I would be home. I quietly walk into the kitchen and turn on the light. Sarah is standing there pissed off. "Hey." I say waiting for hell. "Toni Adrian Topaz, where the hell have you been?" She whispers probably because Jason is sleeping. "I was with Cheryl it's fine." I sit at the counter knowing that I'll be here for a while. "No, it's not. If you're going to be late just call me. You know this." She walks over. "Literally all we did was cuddle, after we had dinner." I lie slightly. "I know you're lying." She says looking up at me. "We had sex, but that's it after dinner and we did cuddled like a cute married couple. I didn't drink, if that's what you're wondering." I say quietly. "Toni, just call me next time you are going to be late call me!" She yells in frustration. "I'm going to bed." I get up and start to walk out. "I'll see you tomorrow." I walk out and slam the door. Jason starts screaming and crying.

"Hey." I walk into the kitchen. "I'm sorry about last night. I should have called you." I say sitting down at the table. Sarah hands me a plate with food on it and I eat. "It's fine. Go to school you're going to be late." I grab my bag and run out. I walk into school and see Fangs. "Hey, Topaz." I open my locker. "Thank you for helping me with setting up." I say quietly as I grab stuff from my locker. "It's fine. How was your night after you texted me?" He ask as I close my locker and we go to class. "Good,we went back to her house..." I trail off. "Did you guys... you know?" He ask. I blush. "It's none of you business." We sit down and class happens. I don't hate class but I rather be with Cheryl. We get out of class and I start to feel lightheaded. Not again. Everything goes black.

I wake up and Sarah is sitting there waiting for me. "What happened?" I ask sitting up. She hands me my medication. "I thought you were taking it?" She says sitting on my bed. "I was, I thought I would be fine." I say quietly. "Well you weren't. What's gotten into you?" She ask. "I'm afraid that you are going to realize that it was a mistake adopting me." I tell her honestly. "Toni, you are not mistake. Why would you think that?" She ask as I take my meds. "Because everyone has realized it." I say embarrassed by my answer. "Toni, I get what it's like to go from house to house. I'm not going to give up on you anytime soon, I care about you way to much." She rubs my hair. "Why? I'm a mess." She shrugs. "So your still with Cheryl, she cares about you and hasn't given up on you. Trust me, the girl loves you." She gets up and walks out. I stand up,  turn off the lights and close the curtain. I hate when there is a lot of light in my room. I don't know why, it's probably because it reminds me of how big my room is and I hate being alone in big room. It's one of the many things that give me anxiety. I roll over and go to sleep.

I walk into yet another house. "Hi, I'm Dee and this is my husband Stave." The hippy lady reaches her hand out. Damn she had claws for nails. I shake her hand and the other guy's hand. I further into the house and a kid not sure what pronouns they use walks out. "Hi I'm Raven."  Ok kid your name isn't making any of this easier. "Toni. Which room is yours?" I ask. We go to their room. "Can you i ask what your pronouns are?" I ask. "Yeah. Um... I don't really care. You can use any, but most people use female."  She shrugs. "You?" She ask quietly. "Umm... I umm.. I just came out as Trans." I say quietly. "Cool, do want to die your hair? I have pink and purple." She ask. "Yeah why not." We get up and go to the bathroom. "How old are you?" She ask. "13, you?" She turns on the lights. "14. Still in middle school?" She ask pulling out the hair dye. "Yeah." I say. This kid doesn't seam so bad. "I'm sorry about that. The middle school you're going to be at sucks. I would say the same about the high school if you're here long enough for that but, I don't go there. Pink or purple?" She ask quietly. "Pink." That's what started the pink hair and a good friendship.

I wake up slowly opening my eyes and get up. I slowly walk down stairs. "Hey." I say to Sarah. "Cheryl called, she's at pops." I grab my helmet and go to pops. I walk into Pop's and see Cheryl. "Hey." I say sitting down. "What's up?" I ask, she looks up and looks like she's been through hell. "Cheryl..." I take her hand. "What's wrong?" I ask quietly. "Everything." She wipes her tears. "Besides our relationship." She says drinking her coffee. "What's going wrong?" I ask quietly, she takes a deep breath. "Nana Rose is not doing well, she fell down the stairs this morning and they don't think she's going to make it. I just don't want to be alone in that house." She says. My heart drops because I know how much Nana Rose means to Cheryl. "Cheryl, if something does happen to her. You can always stay at my house until your life gets back together, trust me there is to many rooms for three people. Trust me again I have slept in just about every room, they were all to big. The one I have now it to big." I say. Pop Tate comes over with our food. We don't even need to order most of the time, he just knows. It's weird, but cool. He smiles and walks away. "I'm not moving in with you, not yet at least. That house is to big for me." She says eating my fry. Every fucking time. "Get apartment. And if Nana Rose does make it, put her in a retirement home, how old is she?" I ask quietly. "96." I give her the strawberry off my milkshake. "What's this?" She ask. "I'm allergic to strawberries. You need to think about it." I say quietly. "Anyways, Besides all that. Did you get my package? I had it mailed to your house, it was supposed to be there by like last week but, whatever." I say eating my burger. "Yeah, you didn't have to get me that." I shrug. "I know, but, I know how much Jason meant to you." She looks down. "I know, but. You didn't have to, get me that." I take her hand. "It's nothing big, it's just a necklace with his name on it." She smiles sadly. "You're welcome." I rub her hand with my thumb. She laughs, we eat and we talk for hour about everything, like usual.

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