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Three weeks later...

Living with Alyssa for the past three weeks were a bit hard and stubborn. There wasn't that much to do other than to watch telly, eat, breathe, and colour. It was beyond boredem living in the middle of the woods, I couldn't step a foot outside or else I would/ will get scolded. I flipped through my colouring book; coloured that, coloured that, coloured that, coloured that, and so on. I just finished colouring the last page of my only colouring book, which was my only thing to escape from being bored. I sat up and eyed Alyssa; she was on the couch sleeping with the magazine in her hands. It wouldn't hurt to explore, would it? The answer is no. 

I stood up and walked around: kitchen, dinning room,bathroom, minicorridor, big bedroom, my temporary room, and the extra room. Alyssa said I can't go in the extra room, but Alyssa is asleep. So oh well. I twisted the knob and opened it; it was just a regular room. Bed, dresser, nightstand, etc.. There was a multi- coloured rug in the middle of the room, it was ugly. I quietly walked over to it and examined the faded colours of the rug, there was a low 'creek' when I stepped on it. Letting questions wander, I pulled the rug away and saw a wooden trap door. I opened it, there were stairs leading down, so I went down. I felt a cold metal piece dangle in front of me, I grabbed it and pulled it down. The lights turned on, it was like a basement.

Alyssa' s POV

I heard a loud sound, awakening me from my ten minute slumber. Kate was no longer in the living room, sitting there was her Hello Kitty and Friends colouring book. Immeaidtly, I stood up and walked around the flat; it was silent, too silent. Bad. The flat is almost never silent, it's only quiet when Kate's asleep. I felt my chest tighten when I saw the guest room' s door ajar. I opened the door completely and saw the ugly rug had been moved and the trap door was in the open, but it was shut. "Kate? Are you down here? You know you shouldn't be down here." I opened the door, pitch black down there.

"Kate, stop messing around! Get up here right now!" I wasn't going to go down there. Hell no. Terrible things happened down there and that's the reason why I never wanted Kate in here. "I'm not kidding, get your bum up here! I will not hesitate to leave you down there with the monsters. Though, the thing was; to me, there really was monsters down there.

I lied to Kate; I knew my family. In fact, we lived here. The murder part was indeed true, this used to be my older brother's room. The trap door is where everything happened, the thing was, everybody but my older brother, James, didn't know that the killing was happening in the house. As you can see, I made a big mistake to go down there when James had gone out. I let curiosity get to the best of me and went down there... curiosity killed the cat, right?

I heard a faint cry from the bottom of the room, knowing it was Kate, I felt the sweat form on my forehead. Why? Why did she have to go down there? I let out a shakey breath and built enough courage to go down there. "K-Kate? I didn't mean what I said, please come out." I whispered struggling to find the light. After about a short two minutes, I eventually found it and pulled it.

I let out a small cry remembering what I saw the first (and last) time I came down here. Horrible. "Alyssa!" Kate cried latching onto my leg. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Please take me out of here, please!" 

I lifted her up and with no hesitation, raced up the stairs. I didn't care about scolding Kate, my priority right now was to make Kate forget what she saw and heard.

"You weren't supposed to see any of that," I whispered setting her down on the bed in Kate's room. 

I saw a tear drop onto her lap as she looked down, sniffling. "What's going to happen?" Kate asked keeping her head low.

"Nothing." I murmured.


I locked the guest room and sighed. Earsing it from Kate's memory was easy, I just wished I could have it earsed.


ps excuse my spelling mistakes.

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