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I cradled Luke in my arms, doing my best to make go back to sleep, but without any luck, he was wide awake. "What are we going to do-- how are we going to explain that are supposedly dead daughter is alive again?" Dani asked, pacing back and forth. She ran her hands through her hair and huffed out in frustration.

"They're going to think we played a sick joke on them!" Dani threw her hands in the air and flopped onto the bed. Soon, Luke starting crying.

"I bet he senses negative tension," I murmured, kissing Luke's temple and cooing him quietly. His tiny hands grabbed onto my lip as I brought our faces together. "Ah, ah. Ow."

"Liam, what are we going to do? Kate is alive!" Dani said.

That reminds me of Frankenstein... anyone else?

"Why don't you stay here and try to do your mommy magic with Lucas, whilst I think of things and try to talk to Kate, yeah." I suggested, walking over to Dani as she sat up, holding her arms out; all ready to hold her son.

"I think he has a full diaper," Dani frowned, I scoffed and quickly left before I had to do anything else.

I made my way towards Kate's room, or what was left of it. I had gone into a drunken rage--three days after her 'death'-- and wrecked part of her room. There wasn't much in there now, thanks to me. Just her bed, closet with no doors, her miniature desk that was missing a leg, and her dresser. We left the room untended and just went on with our grieving lives.

I turned the knob for the first time in what seemed like forever, and stepped in and saw Kate sitting on the floor, she was playing with a doll. A doll that I had managed to tear off its limb. "Hey, princess." I say in a soft voice, walking slowly towards her; if she has risen from the dead or something, this probably means demons exist. Am I right-- no, I'm not.

"Hi, daddy," Kate murmured, continuing to play with the doll. She played with it as if it were a puppet attached to strings; it moved like a rag doll. "I'm not allowed to say who took care of me. She said it's unsafe for us."

"I wasn't really here to talk about that, babe. She? You lived with a woman?"

"What happened to my room?" Kate questioned, finally looking up.

"Erm, it was kind of hard for Daddy to adjust to the fact that you were dead, sweetheart. And I turned to bad things that I thought would help me, but I was being selfish." I admitted, scratching the back of my neck. It was hard trying to explain that I turned to alcohol for a few weeks and realized that I was only damaging the family even more.

"Anyways, I was wondering if you'd like to go somewhere with Daddy to meet with somebody special?"

Kate sat there, as if she were in deep thought. "I can't... sorry. You're going to take me to a mental institution." Kate said. What the hell? How does she even... how does she know what those words are and how does she know what they mean?

"Where's Luke? Can I see him?" Kate asked standing up. I stood there, too shocked to even speak.

"I, um, yeah. He's in our room," I stammered. I blinked a few times. What the hell is happening?


Kate giggled as Luke struggled to walk, so far we've been trying to get him to walk and that's not really working out. "Yes-- she's alive. I don't know how but she's alive. We need your help, please." I plead to management.

"Liam, lay off the beers already. No more games; especially when it comes to dead people."

"I'm not fucking lying! I'm not drunk either, listen to me! My adopted daughter, Kate Amber Payne, is alive. Dani and I need your help with this one! What are we going to tell people when we take Kate out in public?" I pinched the ridge of my nose, throwing my head back.

"Yeah, and Clifford the Big Red Dog actually exists and is roaming around the UK."

"Motherfuc-- Don't believe me then. That's fine, just watch me prove that she's alive." I quickly hung up.

"Why don't we go out for ice cream?" Dani suggests, catching my cue of my phone call. Kate's eyes sparkled and she nodded.

"Good; why don't you stay here and wait whilst Daddy and I get Luke's things together." Dani smiled.

I grabbed Luke and followed Dani back to our room. "I was expecting making love with you later on in the week but we have to deal with paranormal shit." I murmured, setting Luke in the crib as Dani gets his bag and things together.

"Once everything is settled we can try." Dani mumbled, kissing my cheek as she walked past me. "Or when the kids are asleep."

"I don't think Kate even sleeps anymore," I scoffed.

"Liam, stop it. Kate is alive and that's all that matters." Dani grabbed her shoes from the closet.

"And what about Luke? Is he just some chopped baby liver?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Luke is also part of my priorities-"

"I think you would've mentioned him earlier, cos' right now, your world is revolving around Kate." I pointed out.

"You can't blame me, Li. Look at this-- our daughter has been dead for what, a month or two; you've been touring around the world, leaving me alone to take care of Luke and Loki. Now Kate is also in the picture. I have also have to deal with keeping the house clean, food, etcetera." Dani defended herself.

"Right, and I have to deal with knowing that I'm leaving my family behind. I'm not blind, Dan."

"Okay and-"

"I'm not going to do this, not now." I interrupted her, picking up Luke.


I held Luke close to me as people got closer and closer as we were in line; in the corner of my eye I could see Dani holding onto Kate as tight as she can. I heard a small wince escape Luke, I look down and saw glassy eyes. "What's the matter, bud?" I cooed silently, I adjusted his shoes noticing that they were about to fall off and kissed his cute chubby cheeks. A cute little toothless smile formed as I kissed his cheek, "You're going to be a charmer. Aren't you?"

Seeing Kate again was unexpecting yet amazing. It's just that-- and yes I dearly love her-- but now Dani only focuses on Kate. She's not giving equal attention to both of our children which is unfair. "What flavour of ice cream are you going to get?" Dani asked.

"I'm going to get strawberry!" Kate giggled.

"If you were older, I'd ask the same thing." I murmured to Luke as he sucked on his fist. "I'm going to get vanilla."

Luke stared at me with his big chocolate eyes, clueless. Of course. "I want you to stay like this, but at the same time, I want you to grow up so I can have better conversations with you, Luke." I mumbled. By now, I'm just a 21 year old old man talking to his three in a half month old baby with the topic of ice cream and growing up. Typical.

5 Seconds of Summer and One Direction is in Chicago; an hour away from me... and I cant go see them... :c

I'll just go on YouTube and have those little fangirling moments. c:

early update again. for some reason, I always see luke hemmings' face when I picture baby luke. anyone else or is it just me?

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