Chapter Six ~ Fair pt. 1

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*time skip a few days*

I nervously walk up the path to her house, why am I nervous? We're just hanging out with our friends?

I knock on her front door, patiently waiting for someone to answer. Seconds later the door is opened instead of seeing Minyoung I'm met with her older brother Ten.

They don't have the same last name due to him taking their moms last name.

"Hello Ten Hyung, I'm here to pick up Minyoung-ssi" I slight bow, he's always been suspicious of my feelings towards his sister. Not in a bad way, he's told me numerous times that he ships me with his sister. Even if I lie and say I'm not into her like that he just shakes his head and lets out a long sarcastic "Sure"

I'm very curious as to why he's shipping his sister with someone that's two years younger than her. But I'm honestly kinda afraid of the answer, who knows what goes through his mind. I saw that sticky note he put on Johnny hyungs locker, but it was a 'joke' I'd let out a long sarcastic "Sure" but I wasn't supposed to see it.

"Are you taking her on a date?" He asked with a huge smile on his face, before I can deny that he yells up to Minyoung. "MINYO HEACHAN IS HERE FOR YOUR DATE"

My eyes widen, "Hyung! I'm not taking her on a date!" I shake my hands in the air, though I wish I was.

He looks back at me his smile falling, "You should be, I can tell she's into you. I have an eye for this stuff"

That can't be true, can it?

While I'm making small talk with Ten my eyes dart to Minyoung who's descending down the stairs. She's wearing a pair of denim shorts with a grey t-shirt tucked in, a pair of black vans on her feet and a black jacket tied around her waist.

Her long dark brown hair flows over her shoulders and she's got a gym bag on her back.

My eyes widen and I look down to my outfit we're basically wearing the same thing except I'm wearing denim jeans, I don't have a jacket and I don't have a bag. Also I'm not wearing female clothes, just had to make that point clear for some reason.

Ten Hyung seems to notice too as he looks in between us rapidly before he puts a hand on his mouth, trying to keep a squeal in.

Minyoung looks up and immediately realizes that we have similar outfits on, some people will surely mistake us for a couple.

"Oh- you have nice taste~" she laughs, her contagious laughter makes me laugh too. I can't help it.

"Should I go change?" She asks, pointing up the stairs.

"No! You'll take too long just go. Johnny is coming over soon now go!" Ten Hyung basically pushes her out the door.

"Wow ok. Love you too big brother" she says sarcastically.

"I love you" he smiles sweetly but immediately shuts the door.

"I don't think I wanna go home tonight... no one will be home but them. I'm sure you saw the amazingly subtle sticky note on Johnnys oppas locker" she makes a grossed out face. I quickly make the connection as to what she meant.

I gasp, "Minyoung! I didn't know you thought that way! Omo... Omo should I be worried?" I ask as I jokingly eye her suspiciously as I cover my chest.

"What?!" She blurts out, a blush coming up. "No no no. Let's just go. Where's the car? Jaemin said his brother was driving us" Minyoung asks, shaking her head.

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