Chapter Twenty One ~ Wink

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I open my eyes, groaning from the sun harshly hitting them

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I open my eyes, groaning from the sun harshly hitting them. I look around groggily, recognizing that this isn't the room I was supposed to stay in.

    I look at what I'm holding so close to me, I feel myself smiling as I look at Haechan. His hair is sticking in all different places, his bed head is super cute.

    His tan skin almost seemed to glow in the sunlight, I put my hand on his cheek— running it across his freckles.

    "Enjoying this?" He whispers, his eyes fluttering open. The sun filling them and making them a honey colour.

    I laugh lightly, "how long have you been awake?" I ask, checking if Mark was still there— his bed is empty, meaning he has left.

    "I don't know, I don't want to leave your arms" he says pulling me closer to him, digging his head into my neck.

    My stomach doing like a trillion flips as his breath fans my neck.

    "Can you play with my hair?" His voice comes out muffled as it vibrates through my neck.

    I bring my hands up to his head, trailing them through his hair. He lets out a soft sigh of content, crumbling under my touch.

    I smile bigger, I can't believe I have this much power from just playing with his hair. Though he'd probably get the same reaction from me.

    I rake my hands through his hair lightly, his soft hair running smoothly through my fingers.

    I gasp when I feel Haechans lips kiss my neck, I look down at him— surprised.

    "What? You're my girlfriend, I can do this" he places another kiss on neck, moving up as he continues placing kisses.

    He reaches my jaw, holding it lightly with his hand as he kisses it. Making his way to my mouth, placing his lips onto my own.

    It seems cheesy to say but it really felt like our lips were perfectly moulded for each other's.

    Haechan moves so he's slightly on top of me, applying pressure on my body.

    His hand cups my cheek, the other one behind us for support. His tongue flicks my bottom lip, I allow it in. I wouldn't want to be that cheesy girl in the romance novels that denies him and then the male doing something inappropriate to get her to open her mouth.

    He sighs in content before deepening the kiss, things getting a little more steamy.

    There's a knock on the door, "mm Haechan the door" I say as I take a breath before his lips attack mine again.

    "I don't care" he mutters in between kisses, moving on top of me.

    "Ya! I can hear things y'know!" I hear Mark yell through the door, banging on it once more, "why did you lock the door?!"

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