Chapter two

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Tris pov

Tobias gets to the house first. My parents aren't going to be home for hours since they have this business thing tonight so I'll have the house to myself for awhile to talk to the boys.

"So what is so important that you want to talk about" he says walking into my house while I close the door behind him.

"Just wait. I'll tell you in a second" I say nervously and meeting him in the living room.

"We're just waiting for one more person actually" I explain to him and he looks confused.

"Just sit down. I'll explain in a second" I say

Al saves me when he knocks on the door.

I run to go answer it and he smiles when he sees me. He has flowers in his hands.

"These are for you" He says handing them to me and I smile.

"They're beautiful" I say as he walks in.

He sees Tobias and he looks at me confused.

"What he doing here" they both say at the same time.

"Just take a seat. You'll need it" I say

They sit on the couch and watch as I pace back in forth.

"Can you tell us already? You're making me nervous" Tobias says

"Yeah tris what's going on" Al says gently.

"Okay here it goes..." I start to say and they watch me with such confused eyes.

"I'm pregnant" I say starting to cry

"And I'm not sure who the father is because I slept with both of you around the same time" I say and I cover my face with my hands and wipe away tears.

"Let's go tris. I think you're the one that needs a seat" Tobias says holding my hand and guiding me to the smaller couch.

"I'm so sorry guys. I didn't want this to happen" I say

"Well did you use a condom?" Al ask Tobias

"Of course I did. Tris remembers me putting it on and we also had a whole conversation about condoms after" Tobias says looking at me and I look down trying not to blush as I think back to that amazing night.

"Well tris knows that I used a condom because that was my first time and I'm not ashamed to say this but I was nervous and I made sure we used a condom for this exact reason. I guess one of our condoms broke" Al says

"That was your first time" Tobias says surprised at Al.

"Yes Mr. Hottie of the school, not everyone can be like you" Al says to him

"Well where did it happen. Your first time. Mine was in my car in 10th grade" Tobias says

"At my house" Al says

"We're your parents home" He ask

"No" I say

"What about you tris" Al ask me and I look up at him with wide eyes

"It was with Tobias but he doesn't know that because I didn't tell him" I say and Tobias looks at me with caring eyes.

"You shouldn't have let me be your first" he says

"You weren't even nervous" he adds

"Maybe because I wasn't" I say

"Enough about people's virginity's can we talk about the real situation" Al says

"Yes, Of course the baby." Tobias says

I put my hands over my face again and tears roll down my face.

I feel both the boys sit next to me and grab my hands.

I look up and they are staring madly at each other.

"What's going on" I question

"Nothing. It just looks like flower boy over here is causing some competition" Tobias says and I quickly get up and shake my head no.

"No. Whatever feelings you guys have for me. Clear them. These 9 months will only be focused on the baby" I say

"What about after that" Al says

"I don't know. I'll think about it" I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"Can we just talk about the baby please before I cry again. I've been so emotional" I explain to them.

"So when the baby is born and we find out who the father is, what happens to the other guy" Al ask

"Well the other guys is more then welcomed to see the baby and be an uncle to the baby. I wouldn't want the other guy to go through this emotional process of caring about this baby then finding out it's not yours then having the baby ripped from you, no I still think the other guy can get involved in the baby's life" I say and they nod.

"That sounds fair" Tobias says

"What about doctors appointments? Are we allowed to go?" He adds

"Do you guys want to come" I ask and they both nod.

"Wow you two are interested. Most guys would've left by now" I tell them

"It's going to be hard giving up college but I'm willing to stay with you my baby or not my baby. I know you're making up sacrifices so why not make them with you" Tobias tells me and I smile.

"I'm down to make sacrifices too" Al says and I give him a smile too.

"If we're going to do this you two need to learn how to get along if we're spending the next 18 years together in this baby's life. Just be prepared the next 9 months are going to be hell well for me at least" I say

"And we'll be with you every step of the way" Tobias says and I bring them in for a group hug.

They boys took this Well than I thought they were going to. I guess I got matched with a great group of boys. I just hope no one develops feelings for one another. I can already tell Al likes me a bit. He brought me flowers, how sweet.

But even myself. I can't let myself fall for anyone. It won't be a smart thing to do for the baby and the other guy.

Now all we have to do is tell our parents.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Since today is Christmas Eve I hope everyone who celebrates has a safe and wonderful holiday but also everyone who doesn't enjoy your holidays as well.

I love all of the wonderful readers that have read the 1st chapter so far. You guys are amazing

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