Chapter ten

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Tris pov

"Hey can we talk" I say as Tobias stands in the doorway of his house.

He looks at me and sighs.

"I have to get ready. I'm going to prom" he says

"With who" I say with hurt in my voice because I am hurt.

"By myself. Dance a little, sleep with some girls. You know like I used to do before I met you, before I possibly got you pregnant, before we kind of were together but then you cheated on me so yeah no matter how mad I hurt your feelings right now I don't care because you hurt mine" he says and I look up at him with tears in my eyes.

"Cry all you want tris. You're not changing my mind" he adds and I groan walking past him into his house and to his living room.

"You know how many times I apologized for ruining your life." I say angry

"But not once have you or Al apologized for ruining mine" I add

"Why didn't you just get an abortion then if you didn't want the baby" He says annoyed

"Because I didn't want to" I say

"Well It sure sounds like you don't want this baby" He yells

"I didn't plan on getting pregnant" I yell back at him

"Sometimes I wish I never slept with you. I still can't believe I was your first" He groans

"I can't believe I let you be my first time" I spit back

We stare at each other with anger and he's about to say something when I feel a sharp pain in my belly.

I clench my big stomach and wince.

"Ow" I yell sinking to the floor.

Tobias gets on his knees and pulls out his phone.

"What's wrong" He says

"I think the baby is coming" I say through my teeth and he starts dialing something

"Who are you calling" I ask

"Al" he says

"Just get me to a hospital. This really hurts" I say almost in tears.

He helps me up and guides me to his car.

"I'm still mad at you" he says pulling out of his drive way and driving to the hospital.

"I don't care. I need drugs. I need all the drugs. I can't do this-..." I say holding my belly and struggling to breathe in and out.

"Tris breathe" he says looking at me with worried eyes

"Tobias, the pain won't go away" I cry laying my head back on the chair and squeezing the door handle.

"It's just a very long contraction. We're almost at the hospital. Al is going to meet us there" he says

"I don't care about Al. I care about you" I yell

"Well you did when you slept with him" he says

"That was a mistake. Al and I both know it" I say realizing the pain is going away. The contraction must be over.

"Yeah right" Tobias says

"What does that mean" I ask

"Just forget it" He says with an annoyed chuckle

"You're just mad that you don't get to screw juniors in the boys locker room tonight. Looks like your prom is canceled" I say then I'm hit with another pain.

I grab his free hand and squeeze it.

"Karma is a bitch" he says laughing and I want to slap him so hard right now but I can't.

"Fuck you" I say annoyed and he chuckles.

"Ow" I wince

We get to the hospital and he quickly parks the car then runs to the other side to open the door for me. He helps me out and we gently walk into the emergency room.

A nurse meets us with a wheel chair and quickly gets me to a maternity suit.

I settle into a room. The doctor exams me and Tobias walks away because he realizes how gross down there is looking right now.

"You still have a while to go. You're only 2 centimeters dilated." The doctor says and I sigh

"Great more pain" I say

"Next time have sex with a condom" she says trying to crack a joke and I turn to Tobias and roll my eyes.

"We did" I say and she walks to the sink to clean my hands.

"Can I get an epidural then" I ask

"I can have one ordered for you. It will be a big needle just to warn you" she says and I lay my head back and cry. I'm so emotional.

"It's okay I'll take it" I say and she leaves the room.

I turn to Tobias and he chuckles.

"You probably love seeing me in this much pain" I say

"No, I actually feel bad." He says

"But it's funny to watch you struggle by yourself" he adds and gets ready to walk out of the room.

"Tobias I'm sorry I did you so wrong just please don't leave me alone. I'm about to get a big needle in my back and I'm feeling so much pain in my vagina right now... I just really need someone to hold my hand... because I'm really scared because I'm all alone and you hate me-..." I try to say everything but I break down in tears.

"It's okay. Don't cry. I'm here" he says coming back to the room.

He sits next to me on my bed and I lay my head on his chest, making me feel warm and protected.

He kisses my head and I close my eyes as the pain runs through my body.

"Your parents will be here soon. My parents and Al's parents are on the way too. So is Al. You're not going to be alone" he reminds me and I look up at him.

"I'm really am sorry Tobias. I was so stupid" I say

"It's okay tris. You did what you did but that doesn't give me the right to treat you so terribly" he says and I nod.

"Also your vagina does not look pretty, I just thought I should let you know" he says and I burst into a laugh.

"Oh I know" I say and he holds me close.

It almost feels perfect until we're interrupted by Al and all of our parents.

I hope you enjoyed

Sorry for the late update but I have been doing a lot of things for school. I will try to update as much as I can.

The baby is coming!

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