Chapter four

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Tris pov

It's 10 o'clock at night and I can't sleep. I'm wide awake and craving tacos.

I grab my phone and call the first person I could think would be up at this time. My mind tosses between Tobias and my best friend Christina but who would be the one to likely get me tacos at this time of night.

Tobias for sure.

I don't ask Al because he goes to bed early and he's not one of the people I want to be around with.

Tobias answers on the third ring.

"What does her royal highness want at this time of hour" he answers in a British accent and I giggle

"Please don't kill me but how possible would it be if you could pick up some tacos and deliver them to my house" I ask him and he chuckles

"Tacos at 10 o'clock at night?" He questions with another laugh

"Please the baby is craving them" I whine and he sighs

"Fine. If tacos is what you want, tacos is what you'll get" he says and I scream into the phone with excitement

"You're the absolute best. Thank you, thank you, thank you" I say to him

"Yeah whatever. I'll see you in 20 minutes" he says and I hang up the phone and run to my bathroom. I throw my everyday make up in its bag and clean up as fast as I can.

I throw my dirty clothes in a hamper and drag it downstairs.

I go back to my room and fix my hair into a nicer looking ponytail and throw on a hoodie with the pajama shorts I was wearing.

I'm not trying to fall for Tobias but I just am. Everything about him these past few months have been making me happy and I really think he feels the same way about me.

Him and Al are both very committed to this baby but if Tobias is the father or not I would really like for us to give each other a chance.

I think we could be good for each other.

I hear the front door open and close. He let himself in. He knows where the secret key is.

He walks into my room and gently closes it behind him.

We don't want to wake my parents.

"Tacos have arrived" he says and I get up from my bed and run to him giving him a hug. He wraps his free arm around me and hugs me back.

"Thank you" I whisper and he chuckles

"It's just tacos. I owe you one for possibly being a reason why your life is ruined" he says referring to the baby

"Hey, this baby is not ruining my life. It is only making my life better. Sure I'm young, you're young, Al is young but we have amazing parents supporting us. We got this" I tell him grabbing his hand.

"And also these tacos are life right now. I've never craved tacos so hard in my entire life" I say walking to my bed to start eating and he follows.

I throw him a taco and he catches it but passes it back.

"I got these for you" He says

"I know you're hungry" he adds

"Tobias there's like 5 more other tacos in here and I'm not hungry I'm just craving" I say with a giggle and he takes the taco back.

I'm down to my 2nd Taco when the baby starts moving around. I drop my taco on my lap and lay my head against the wall.

"What's wrong" Tobias says worried

"The baby is moving do you want to feel" I ask and he nods moving closer.

I hold his hand and move it around my belly until I feel the spot. We look at each other and smile.

"That's so cool" he says and I nod

"It is" I smile looking down at our hands on my belly.

"I didn't realize how beautiful bringing a baby into the world would be" he says taking his hand off my belly because the moving stopped.

"Wait until you see the baby being born" I say

"I'm going to be in the room?" He ask

"Only if you want to" I quickly reply. I didn't want to make that awkward

"Yeah I would love to be in the room" He says with a smile and I smile back at him.

"Before I go I wanted to tell you something" He says as I get up from the bed to clean the taco trash.

"Okay" I say as he takes the trash from my hands and throws it out himself.

"When we were outside the doctors office today you said that we should stop fighting over you because we didn't like you before all this" he says and I nod

"Well yeah that's kind of true. Especially you. Before this we never talked until we slept together" I say and he sighs

"And that's totally messed up on my part but I should confess that I did have a crush on you, I was just so stupid sleeping around I didn't do anything about my feelings for you" He says

"Tobias you don't have to-..." I tell him

"I want to because I want you to know I care about you a lot and if you're want I would love to take you on a date" he says and I smile looking down.

"Oh so our taco date wasn't good enough for you" I laugh

"I want to take you out" he says holding my waist and I look into his eyes. They are so loving.

"If I go on this date with you could you stop having sex with other girls that bothers me" I say

"You're jealous" he chuckles and I some bow wrap my arms around his neck

"No. I just would want to know as we go on our date your not going to go sleep with some sophomore after it" I say

"You're the last girl I've slept with" he says

"Wow that's four months with no sex. It must be hard" I say and we laugh

"It is but I'm committing to one girl" he says and I hold a hand to his face and peck his lips.

"You really are something Tobias Eaton" I say and he chuckles

"Just a boy who likes a girl that's all" he whispers against my lips and I connect our lips for a longer kiss.

He gently lays me down and continues to kiss me. Softly and gently. I pull away and fight for air.

"I'm pretty exhausted and a bit pregnant. Could we save the kissing for another time" I say and we laugh

"Sure. Whenever you're ready" he says putting a strand of hair behind my ear and kissing my head.

"See you tomorrow" He ask

"Of course" I say and he leaves with a huge smile on his face and I'm left with one on mine.

Cute fourtris chapter, lets see what's to come with those two but also poor Al

I hope you enjoyed this chapter
I will update soon love you readers so so much

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