Chapter three

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Tris pov

I puke into a school toilet without closing the door behind me and when I get back onto my feet I turn to see a whole bunch of girls looking at me.

I push by them and they just scatter away.

"I'm pregnant. Yes. Do you want to start taking pictures" I say to them annoyed and they leave. Annoying freshmen.

I wash my hands and rinse out my mouth then walk to my locker where I was originally going until I had to run to the closest bathroom.

I stand by my locker and two boys rush towards me. Tobias and Al.

"I've been waiting all morning. Tobias just got here. I brought you breakfast" Al quickly says and I give him a smile, taking his bag of breakfast he got me.

"I was only late because I was waiting in a long line just to get you the tea you liked from your favorite coffee shop" Tobias tells me handing me a large cup of my all time favorite tea.

"How did you even know that" I ask him

"I had to ask around" he says with his gorgeous smile.

"Well when you mean ask around do you mean just talking to my mom or Christina" I say and he chuckles

When we told our parents about our situation, they were shocked but all three of us have great parents and they were willing to understand what was to come for us. They were more supportive than anything.

"Something like that" he says

"Sorry my breakfast isn't good enough" Al says annoyed

"There goes another point for Tobias" he adds and I cross my arms over my chest.

"No thank you Al the breakfast is great and what do you mean another point for Tobias? How many times do I have to tell you two that you don't have to compete for anything. You both are very important in my life" I say to them and they give each other annoyed looks.

I turn to Al and he looks down. I clearly see that I probably show Tobias more attention. I mean who wouldn't with his strong arms and gorgeous face. How I wish I could be in those arms again.

There's nothing against Al, he's great. Our sexual experience together was alright. I was doing a lot of the work which I didn't like but at least I got to experience two different ways of sex. Let's just say Tobias took more charge with things.

"Come on guys you need to learn how to get along" I say and walk away with my tea and breakfast.

I grip onto the bed sheets and quietly moan as he kisses down my stomach. His touch feels so good and his mouth is doing wonders.

I lift his head back up to look at me and I play with the end of his curls as our lips touch again.

"Ready to go sweetheart. The boys are probably wondering why we aren't there yet" my mom says snapping me out of my daydream about Tobias.

I have been incredibly horny but I can't do anything about it because I can't choose between the boys.

School was so exhausting I don't even want to go to my ultrasound today. I made Al and Tobias drive to the doctors office together since I want them to get along. My mom is going to drive me there so we can all meet up.

When we get there I see Tobias and my legs feel numb. I don't know what has gotten into me but all I want to do is kiss him. I want to feel his touch-... okay stop tris.

"Hey. There's the wonderful mother to be" Al says and I giggle.

"It's only been 4 months and I'm about to lose my cool." I say

"Why? Is everything okay" Tobias ask me

"Just pregnancy things I can't talk about" I say and they turn to each other confused.

"How about we go inside and out of this cold" my mom says leading us into the office.

My mom goes to the front desk and goes to fill out the normal paperwork while I sit in the middle of Tobias and Al.

"Do you think we'll find out about the gender" Al ask me

"Oh I forgot to tell you. This is the appointment we could find out but I'm going to have the doctor keep it a secret and write it on an envelope so we can have the gender reveal party I was talking about" I tell him

"What gender reveal party? You never told me" he says hurt

"I think you only got to tell me remember" Tobias says and I sigh

"That's right. I did forget to mention it" I say to Al

"I'm sorry" I add and he rolls his eyes

"Come on Al don't be like that it was a simple mistake" I say to him

"Seems like Tobias will always be your first to everything" he says and I groan crossing my arms over my chest.

"Dude it's not like that. She was just over my house the one day and we starting talking about the gender party" Tobias explains to him

"I'm sure that's not all you were doing" Al mentions and I get up from my seat and storm off.

"Great now look what you did" I hear Tobias say to Al as I leave the office to stand outside.

They both come running out after me and I'm heated. I'm mad.

"Tris I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that" Al quickly says

"Just stop being jealous of Tobias and I, we're just friends, just like you and I are just friends. Sure one of us might be having a baby with one another but all three of us will have a lifetime friendship now that this baby is involved and we are in this situation. I care about both of you, I don't know how many times I have to say it. Now please stop fighting over me, it's not like any of you liked me before this" I say and walk back into the office.


"This is going to be cold sorry" the doctor says as she squirts the ultrasound jelly onto my stomach bump.

She twirls the wand around my stomach and we all look at the screen waiting for the image of the baby.

"Everything is looking good, the baby is nice and healthy" she says and I turn to the boys and smile. They both give me a smile back and it melts my heart.

"Do you want to know the gender" she ask

"No you can just give me that information. I'll have everything ready for their gender reveal party this weekend" my mom says and the doctor smiles.

"Perfect then. See you next month for your next appointment" she tells me and hands me a wipe to clean my stomach of the goo.

"I'm going to go talk with the doctor about the gender see you in the car sweetie" my mom says and I nod.

"Okay mom" I sigh as I continue to clean my stomach.

I lay back on the exam chair and the boys laugh at me.

"Tired?" Al ask

"Exhausted" I whisper siting back up and putting my shirt down.

"I can't believe how pregnant you are looking" Tobias says grabbing my hands and helping me down from the tall chair.

"Wow that makes me feel better" I giggle and he laughs.

"Pregnant in a good way" he says

"Yeah tris you're glowing" Al adds and I smile at both of them.

"I love you guys." I tell them and we walk to the car.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope the story is interesting so far. If you ever have any suggestions or comments feel free to let me know.

I'm so happy with the support I'm getting so far. You guys rock

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