Chapter eleven

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Tris pov

"Push. Tris push" The doctor says

I squeeze Tobias hand and give my best push until I give up and cry.

I would be holding Al's hand but he passed out when he saw my private area as I was pushing. It was not a pretty sight for him.

"I can't do this" I say starting to freak out.

I cover my face with my hands and try to breathe but I feel trapped.

"Hey. Hey. Hey look at me" Tobias says gently holding my hand and pulling it away from my face.

"You got this. You can do anything you put your mind to" he says

"Just one more push and we will be able to see our beautiful son" he adds pushing hair out of my face

I look up at him and think about how much I love him right now.

I give him a nod and sit back up in the bed. He helps me up and I grab onto his hands before I position myself to push.

"And push" the doctor says

I give a big painful push and I feel the baby come out. I catch my breath and watch as everyone smiles at the baby in the doctors hands.

Nurse crowd around the baby and clean him up.

"Can I see him" I ask and everyone turns to me.

"Of course" a nurse says wiping the baby's face then walking over to me.

I'm so excited to see him. I've been carrying him inside me for all this time and he's finally here in the world.

She puts him in my arms and I look down and see his gorgeous eyes. I turn to Tobias and give him a smile.

This is Tobias's baby. No dna required. The baby looks just like him.

"He's so beautiful" I say to Tobias and he leans down and kisses my lips.

"We created that" he says to me and I giggle as tears roll down my face.

"We did" I say and Al's parents come crowding around.

"I knew it wasn't going to be Al's baby" Al's dad says looking down at our beautiful son.

"He was so hopeful it would be his too. He really cares about you tris. You have no idea" he adds

"Al and I have a loving friendship" I say

"He knows that" I add and Al's dad nods.

"Good luck with the baby. I have Al stop by tomorrow when he's feeling better to come visit the baby" He says, then him and his wife walk out.

"Can I hold him" Tobias ask and I nod.

I place him in his arms and the baby starts to whine a little.

"Hi little guy. I'm your daddy" Tobias whispers to the baby and I smile

"And that's your mommy" he says pointing to me and I giggle

"We're going to give you three some time" my mom says walking out with Tobias's parents and my dad.

"So what are we naming him" I ask Tobias and he looks down at our son and smiles.

"We never really talked about this" Tobias says and I sit up in bed and watch as Tobias gentle holds our son.

"I've always liked the name Liam" I say to Tobias and he smiles

"Liam is perfect" he says

"Sorry mom and dad but the baby has to go to the nursery now. You can see him later" a nurse says walking into the room.

"No im not ready" I say reaching for Liam from Tobias arms so Tobias quickly let's me hold him before he has to leave with the nurse.

When he's gone Tobias and I look at each other and smile.

"I'm sorry you didn't get to go to prom" I say

"I'll take this any day over prom" he says and I giggle

"Yeah He's Perfect" I say

"I want us to be together" he says

"I want to save up money to get a small house where you, me and our son can live. I want us to be a family." He adds

"Are we back together" I ask

"I want us to be" he says

"I want us to be too" I say and he moves closer to me. He rests a hand on my cheek and pecks my lips.

"I love you" he says and I smile

"I love you too" I say back

"I also love the family we're about to become" He adds and I bring him into a hug.

Liam James Eaton Prior
7 lbs, 4 oz
7:38 pm

I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Hooray for fourtris baby

Baby Liam is going to be so much fun to write about. If you have any ideas as always feel free to let me know

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