Chapter One: Happy Birthday.

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Chapter One: Happy Birthday.

"Happy Birthday!"

Before I begin, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Zaira Anderson. I just turned 16 today, together with my twin sister, Haley. Like every other identical twin, we look the same, but it doesn't take an hour to decide who is who. We were easily told apart by our eyes. I possess eyes with a shade of green while my sister had a different color entirely. Hers were blue. Surely, twins with eyes that we bear won't come off as normal. In fact, I'll let you in on a secret. We're not entirely normal.

You see, we're a bit more different from other humans. We're gifted- at least, that's a way I like to think about it. It's been said many times before that twins share a connection, whether it would be feeling each others emotions or even as close to seeing through each others' eyes. With Haley and I, it was everything. We could not only feel each others emotions or see through another's eyes; we were able to absorb each other's emotions at times. Our powers would bring us as far as communicating with each other through our thoughts without the need of saying it or anyone overhearing us. It was to ourselves and it was private.

It was just our little secret.

Our lives couldn't be any more exciting outside of our twin bubble. We were normal in a couple of ways. We went to school, we had friends and we had parents who grounded us over many things. Our wonderful parents, Nickolai and Elise Anderson, are great so don't misunderstand. They are parents so what else is to be expected.

Without any difficulty, I beamed in the direction of my twin as she did the same.

Happy Birthday, Sis - I thought to Haley over our mind link. Ever since we were young , we were able to do this and we never told anyone. We didn't know how to tell anyone without them thinking we were insane so we kept to ourselves. With many years of practice, we ended up embracing it and it often came in handy with many cases.

Happy Birthday, Zai - she thought back. With a sneak, I tapped quickly into her emotions, instantly feeling her emotions as if they were my own. Her excitement flowed through me like a wave and with the slight reflection of her eyes, I could see my own covert to the color of her blue eyes.

It was a strange reaction to using our powers. If we were to look into each others' thoughts or take emotions, our eye color would alter. Mine would go from green to an instant blue that matched Haley's eyes if I were to peek through her eyes. It was harmless to me, but it could be hard to explain if someone were to notice.

I immediately returned her emotions when I caught her alarmed eyes. Zai, that was very dangerous. Someone could have seen - she lectured, causing her voice to ring a little in my head. With a sheepish shrug, I smiled lightly to relax her a bit and responded back - Sorry, I just wanted to see how my sisters doing.

I turned away from my twin and shot a smile towards those who surrounded us. My lovely parents were in tears. Not to mention, our uncle Antonio and auntie Miranda were in the same state. I rolled my eyes at their ridiculousness, but couldn't shake off the look on their faces. Even with the forced smiles, I noticed their concealed worry and concern.

I needed to ask them about it after the occasion. With a turn towards our friends, I already spotted flaring red hair and a small creature flying at us. Allyssa, as energetic as always, engulfed me in a tight hug. She exclaimed," Oh my gosh, girlies! You're finally both sixteen!"

She released me and didn't waste any time to transfer over to Haley. Even if I noticed her silent plea, I just chuckled as evilly as I could. If I was getting a tight hug, so was she. Whats so funny? Help me! How can a girl so small have so much energy? - Haley thought to me.

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