Still strangers

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-Haley's P.O.V. - - - - - - - - - -

I hugged my twin tightly as I imagined going through my classes without her . Back in our old school , our classes were all the same so we stuck together . This was going to be a first . Masy arrived and my wolf jumped in focus .

I stared at her in a trance . The scent was mindblowing . It was like peppermint , or a candy cane sorta thing , with a bit of spice to it . I wasnt sure if it was Masy's scent or coming off of her . "Why are you looking at me like that ? ," she asked .

I walked up to her and saw her freeze , staring at me wide-eyed . I sniffed again and I could pick up two scents . One was hers , and one was that mindblowing scent that I wanted some more of . It made me relax and I felt my wolf prancing and wanting to find the source of the smell .

By the look of her eyes , I was sure my eyes were black . My wolf had most of my control and was fighting for all of it . I closed my eyes and forced her away . When I had control , I stepped back and apologized ,"Sorry . You just smell really good ."

She nodded slowly and Jamie nudged her side . "Dont worry . Zai did that to me this morning . I think their messing with us or something ," she giggled . I rolled my eyes and met Zairas curious gaze .

"Did you girls get your schedules yet ? ," Masy asked , changing the subject . "Yup . They did . You have Rai for 3rd , 5th , and 6th ," Jamie stated . I glanced at my schedule .

1rst - Japanese

2nd - Advanced Choir

3rd - Physical Science

4th - Lunch

5th - Health Education

6th - Gym

My schedule wasnt that bad . The only classes that I wasnt a fan of was Physical Science and Health Education . "Really ? Thats great ! ," Masy exclaimed , looping her arm with mine .

I couldnt help myself , and I sniffed her once more . The scent was slowly fading , but it still was fresh in my mind . "What about you , Zai ? ," Masy asked . Zai handed her schedule and Masy pouted . "I only have you for first . That sucks my big toe ," she whined . We laughed at her use of words .

It was like we were in our own little bubble because I didnt notice until now that everyone was staring at us . Knowing that most were weres , they were probably listening in on our conversation .

Everything was going great until Masy and Jamie groaned . Thats when everything got loud . Screams from girls rang and guys talked pointlessly and you couldnt hear a single thing . The girls crowded something and they looked like crazed fan girls .

Before I could see what the commotion was about , Jamie and Masy was pulling us away and down another hallway . When we came to a stop , Masy and Jamie had irritated looks on their faces .

"Whats wrong ? ," I asked , concerned . Masy's expression softened and she explained ," We have the worst best brothers in the world . Their bad because of how they treat girls . Their the school players . Trust me , on players . Every girl that they want , they get . With your looks , im sure they'll aim at you two ."

Jamie nodded in agreement and huffed ," But , we wont let them . How many friends we've had , they have gotten into their pants . Were keeping you Jace and Malik pure ." When she said Malik , my heart pounded fast for a second and went back to normal . Huh , that name .

"Jace and Malik pure ? ," I asked incredulously . Saying his name made a smile form on my lips . "Yes , pure . I dont want you two as one of their bed warmers . I like you two and im not going to go through another fight because of them ," Masy replied .

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