One I'll never forget

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- Zaira's P.O.V. - - - - - - - - - - -

After the Beta had come, I couldnt find it in myself to sleep. Jamie and Jake had long already crashed while Zarai and I stayed awake, busy in our thoughts.

Its weird, you know. Not being able to feel Zarai's emotions. Not being able to hear her thoughts or speak through our mindlink.

What bothers me most is about this sister I never knew about. How Zarai hid it from me. But also, how I never felt her. I've guessed she was the other voice in our convos, but how could I not feel her? How could I not feel one emotion from her?

To be honest, im excited to meet her. I may be angered at the way I found out things, but seriously! Who wouldn't be excited about a new sister? I mean, I love Zarai. Imagine another one of us? Zarai and I aren't a double anymore. Were a trio now!

That's not the only thing that bothered me. Even with this .. Beta. Why would he help us? Why would he kidnap us then help save us? It doesnt make sense.

Pure silence filled the cell. It was silent, but my thoughts were all too loud.

That was when I heard it. That was enough to silence my own thoughts and have a small whimper erupt from my wolf.

Howls. But one particular howl stood out amongst the rest. My mates howl.

Their here.

I was ready to break free when the I heard the door slam open, making me drop the keys in surprise. I cursed under my breath as Jerrick entered our cell and went straight for me. He ripped the chains off of my wrists, making me cry in agony at the pain it caused.

Another guy I've never seen before appeared and did the same to Zarai. Jamies cries and Jake's growls were drained out by the commotion upstairs.

Jerrick pulled out something and I didn't have time to assess it when he injected me with it. I immediately felt the dizziness and draining of my wolf.

"You'll die before your pathetic mate can rescue you, " was all I heard until darkness succumbed me.

- Masy's P.O.V. - - - - - - - - - - -

It was just seconds to chaos. Not long til blood was spilled. Not long til war broke out.

I dont know how many I've killed. Its all a haze. You dont know how many I've dealt with. Well, tried to. Kenneth wouldn't let me fight alone.

I had one place in mind and that was to find the twins, Jamie and Jake. I found their scent and didbt waste any time to go down. The stairs led to a cell. The door of the cell was left wide open and I found chained Jamie and Jake.

I rushed over to Jamie and looked for a way to release her. I found a set of keys and rushed to unlock her chains. When she was released, she hugged me sobbing into my shirt. I tossed the keys over to my mate for him to release Jake.

I pulled back and brushed the hairs out of Jamie's face. "Jamie, you need to answer me. Where are Zaira and Zarai? "

She cried more and shook her head, "Th-th-they took .. they took them," she sobbed, crying into her hands. Jake pulled her into his lap and comforted her.

I was confused, " Who took her? "

"A-alpha Jones," she answered. I was up and ready to run after the guy, until she pulled me back. "You dont u-understand! Hes g-going to kill them!, " she cried.

- Jace's P.O.V. - - - - - - - - - -


Must find mate.

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