Chapter 2

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Through the window of the apartment, Mark could see Jinyoung talking with the trunk driver, probably asking for his help to move some of the stuff to the apartment.

It had been just a week after their meeting at the cafe, after which Jinyoung had followed Mark to the apartment to have a look around.

After a moment, Jinyoung took out his two pieces of baggage and headed for the entrance of the building, with the driver following behind, carrying a heavy box.

Finally, this day had come, for Mark to start living with his new flatmate, who unfortunately turned out to be Park Jinyoung.

Mark took his seat in the living-room and turned TV on, just to distract himself while Jinyoung was moving his stuff in.

It was, however, difficult to stay still and his mind was, unusually, alert with the thought of when the doorbell would suddenly ring.

It was just some minutes but felt like an hour before he could hear the doorbell, which made him spring to his feet and scuttle to the door to open it.

As soon as the door was opened, Jinyoung and the driver were revealed, with the baggage and box.

"Hi. Thank God, you're here. I was afraid you might be somewhere else," said Jinyoung, not at all troubled to see Mark, who, on the other hand, was still reluctant to look at Jinyoung directly in the eyes.

"Of course. You said you'd come today. Just that you didn't say the exact time," 'which made me check the outside through the window every single minute', Mark left out some unnecessary words.

"It's my fault. Can we enter now?" asked Jinyoung, referring to how Mark was standing in the doorway.

"Oh, sorry, come in."

Why was he making a fool of himself in front of Jinyoung? Mark hissed at himself.

Mark returned to his previous spot on the sofa, while Jinyoung was leading the way for the driver to carry the box in.

The room he would have to live was just next to Mark's and no doubt, it had never been used before. This whole building was the newly constructed one and everything looked fresh and new.

"Thank you so much," said Jinyoung to the driver, with a smile, "There is still some stuff left but it's okay, I'll just hire someone to carry them in."

"No, we can both move them in. No need to look for someone else."

Jinyoung thanked him again, and when they passed the living-room, Mark was still there in front of TV, his eyes glued to it and showing no sign to help Jinyoung.

But Jinyoung just ignored him; it was not like he had expected Mark's help in the first place.

After everything needed was inside his room, Jinyoung released a relieved sigh and slumped back over the bed. He looked around the place, which was now quite messy with his unarranged things; but this place was much better than his previous flat.

He was sweating under his sweater and felt quite dirty; but he still managed to take a short nap, before taking a shower and heading outside for lunch.

Mark stretched himself and stood up off the sofa. He guessed Jinyoung had moved in everything; out of curiosty because Jinyoung had not come out of his room, Mark directed to Jinyoung's room and tried to take a peek at his room.

Fortunately, he found Jinyoung asleep on the bed. He must have been tired, Mark thought. Suddenly, he felt quite guilty about not helping Jinyoung, even a bit, earlier.

But some of his pride was still left; why should he help someone, who used to be his victim before?

His thoughts were cut immediately, when Jinyoung stirred; and before Mark could rush off to not get caught staring at Jinyoung, the latter was already sitting up and threw a sleepy, questioning glance at Mark.

"Ah, I thought, maybe, it was time we should discuss our division of chores and other stuff." It was a relief that he could think of something quickly in such situations, Mark thought.

Jinyoung rubbed his eyes to wipe his sleepiness away and nodded at Mark.

"Right, I'll come after showering. You got any plan to go out?"

"I'm free the whole day."

"Okay, please wait for me a moment."

Mark did not have to wait for long before Jinyoung emerged from his room to the living-room, with a casual T-shirt and pants.

Mark tried to ensure his eyes did not linger on Jinyoung's wet bangs.

Jinyoung took the seat opposite to Mark, with the small table between them.

"So, about the chores, how should we divide them?" initiated Jinyoung.

"How would you like it?"

Jinyoung thought for a moment and then said, "I have an idea. How about making a chore-wheel? You know that one, right? We can divide the chores into cleaning the living-room, cleaning the kitchen and taking the garbage out, and decide who does what, by the chore-wheel."

"Sounds okay," Mark said, in agreement, "And the meals, will you prepare just your own or will we, alternatively, for both of us?"

"Separately preparing is better, I guess? Our taste might not be the same. You?"

"I agree with you."

"Okay then. We'll make the chore-wheel today. But now, I'm going out for lunch," said Jinyoung, rubbing his stomach a little.

Mark stopped himself before saying that the lunch he had prepared could be enough for two people. Let it just be if Jinyoung wanted to go out. Mark was determined to stay away from Jinyoung as possible as he could.

"There are small diners around here, if you're going just around this area," Mark suggested.

"What about you? Have you had lunch already?"

"No, but I have lunch ready here."

Mark knew he might sound rude, by not at all offering Jinyoung lunch, even as a courtesy. But that was what it should be. Jinyoung could take him rude all he wanted. It would not be new anyway.

"Oh, okay, see you later then."

Jinyoung stood up and headed for his room again, probably, to grab his wallet.

No matter how awkward they could be, Mark thought, up to now, it did not seem that bad. They had not even brought up that bullying topic again. That could be a relief and a good sign, Mark hoped.

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