Chapter 11

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Mark kept walking around the market, apparently with no idea what to buy Jinyoung as a birthday present.

It was already dark and late in the evening; but he had chosen this night market to roam around, so there was no problem of the shops being closed at this time.

At last, he stopped by a book shop where the latest published books were displayed. A book might not be too valuable but he wanted to buy Jinyoung something he would treasure.

Mark was not a fan of reading books and could not even recall the name of the British author Jinyoung had mentioned as his favourite. So he had to rely on the bookseller for choosing a well-written, worth-reading book.

With the bookseller's recommendation, Mark bought a book, which was selling best currently. He wished Jinyoung had not had it yet.

When Mark arrived back home, there was no one in the flat. Which reminded Mark of that dinner Jinyoung was now probably having with Jackson.

Only after Mark had showered and finished his dinner, Jinyoung got back home.

"Hi, you're late," Mark muttered from his seat on the sofa in the living-room, looking at how Jinyoung seemed tired but still a hint of energy and smile was clearly visible on his face.

"Yeah, Jackson kept me late. Or rather I kept him late. Have you already finished your dinner?"

Jinyoung walked to the sofa, before he sat down next to Mark and placed his briefcase on the table. Afterwards, he leaned his head against the back of the sofa.

Mark swallowed down his resentment of not having a chance to dine with Jinyoung, like Jackson did, expecially on a day like this.

"I just finished it. Have you?"

"Yeah. I was just thinking to take you out for dinner if you hadn't had it yet. Keep it for another day, then, as my birthday treat."

At this hour? It was already late but Mark, for certain, wouldn't have denied it if that dinner had been possible.

Jinyoung's eyes were closed, his head still against the back of the sofa. And that gave Mark a privilege of gazing at his features more in detail.

He longed to touch them - if it was possible, he would have. But then Jinyoung's eyes fluttered open and Mark looked away quickly.

"Are you sleepy already?" Mark asked.

"I have no intention to pass this day so quick. I'm not going to sleep but should go and wash myself now."

"Then come back here after?" Mark hoped he did not sound too hopeful. And he tried to reason that he was just asking Jinyoung because he had yet to give his birthday present.


It did not take long for Jinyoung to come back to the living-room, cleaned and radiating the faint scent of the shower gel Mark had once detected from him.

Jinyoung took a quick glance at the book in Mark's hand, before sitting down beside him. He was wondering but did not ask anything about the book. At last Mark handed it to him.

"My present for you. Here."

Jinyoung's eyes brightened up and took the book Mark handed to him.

"Oh, I didn't think you'd give me a present. No need, Mark. But still thank you," Jinyoung read the title, and exclaimed in joy, "Seriously, this is just the book I've been trying to get. I even searched for it in the book fair. But there were mostly old books, not new ones. Thank you."

Mark let out a relieved sigh inwardly and his lips turned to a smile, watching how Jinyoung was flipping some pages in earnest.

"I'm glad that you like it. So how was your dinner? Romantic and all?"

Jinyoung closed the book and stifled a smile.

"Me being romantic with Jackson? We were most of the time arguing. But of course, just out of affection. What do you think of him?"

"I'm bad at judging people. Especially when I've met them only for a short time. He seems really important to you though. Hmm, even more than a friend?"

But he was practically wishing that Jinyoung would deny it.

"It's a long story. He's been by my side through highs and lows. If I were to trust only one on this earth, it would be him."

The earnestness in Jinyoung's eyes as he was talking about Jackson, was torturing Mark. Compared to Jackson, he was just nothing in Jinyoung's heart.

And if he was not mistaken, regarding to Jackson's eyes when looking at Jinyoung, which he had witnessed this morning, Jackson was deeply in love with Jinyoung.

"Since the very first day I met him," Jinyoung continued, "he could see the things through my eyes, not to belittle me afterwards, but to understand and sympathise with me. It's not like I'm particularly seeking sympathy but still I'm thankful to him."

"I see," Mark murmured, his voice barely audible.

Jinyoung noticed Mark's strained voice and shifted uncomfortably.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. My fault, I shouldn't have brought up that bullying topic again."

Mark smiled reassuringly.

"You did nothing wrong, Jinyoung. I admire you. Why, I don't deserve your kindness. You could have taken revenge or at least, thrown a fit at me."

"Believe me, if I wanted to, I would've done it sooner than later."

Jinyoung's eyes fell on the book again, which was on the table before them. How eccentric that both Mark and Jackson gave him books as the birthday present.

One was the latest published book and another was the first edition of a classic novel, which he was sure costed millions of Won. He had refused, the whole time during the dinner, to accept that book, but Jackson was persistent.

The two books, with the large difference in value, but he was going to cherish them both equally. Yet he was amazed by the fact that someone like Mark would care for him enough to buy him a gift; and even more so by the fact that he liked that Mark did.

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