Chapter 8

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Mark took a glance at Jinyoung, who was sitting opposite to him and somehow happened to be having breakfast together with him. Mark swallowed back the question he had been aiming to ask since they started having breafast.

His mind was battling whether to ask or not. At last, he choked out his question, "Jinyoung, haven't you got any date today?"

Jinyoung looked at him, wide-eyed, and swallowed his food fast in case it choked him.

"D-Date? What date?"

"I mean, a date with your boyfriend. Sorry, I shouldn't have asked that."

"That's not the problem," Jinyoung reassured Mark. "But my boyfriend? I've no idea why you suppose I have one."

This time it was Mark, whose eyes turned wide, and the words came out for the confirmation, "You don't have one? But I saw you with - ah, never mind, I just guessed."

Mark was not sure if Jinyoung was just trying not to give away his personal information, or saying the truth. Mark hoped it was the latter. He got himself ready to pry a little more as to erase his doubts.

"Excuse me, but I thought you and your boss, a thing?"

Jinyoung was surprised to hear Mark knew Jackson but remembered he had mentioned Jackson to Mark once.

"We're just friends. Actually we'd some plans for today. But he got some other urgent plans and now is on a business trip to China."

Jinyoung said but Mark heard only the first part - listened to it only - 'we're just friends'. Relief rushed through him and he looked away from Jinyoung quickly, afraid that he might look so obvious.

"You know IFC mall? I'm going there for the book fair."

"Book fair?" Mark asked, "I've never heard it helds book fairs."

"Because you're not interested in them. It's biannual, now is the second time for this year."

"Can I join you? It sounds interesting." Mark imagined himself being in a book fair; it was going to be his first.

"You really want to go there? Ah, okay, we should prepare after breakfast."

It was cold outside; both Mark and Jinyoung wore long coats and kept their hands inside the coat side-pockets. Still it was a fine day to be out.

They hailed a taxi and shared the cost. Sitting at the backseat thigh by thigh, Mark couldn't help noticing how his knee brushed against Jinyoung's at every single turn of the car.

The driver had turned on some music with the romance vibe, which hyped Mark's desires and caused him to steal subtle glances at Jinyoung, along the whole way.

The taxi driver dropped them just outside IFC; and after thanking the driver, they continued their way to the entrance.

"It's a little crowded at the weekends," Jinyoung commented, "Maybe also because of the book fair."

Not only at the mall, but even in the small shops nearby, it was crowded and a little noisy with the shopkeepers and shoppers.

"Which floor are we going now?" Mark asked, once they were inside the mall.

"The sixth. Come, we need to take the elevator. It must be this side."

Jinyoung led and Mark followed, trying to keep up and walk beside Jinyoung.

The latter summoned the elevator. Just in a few seconds, other people gathered there to go up as well. When the elevator came and the door opened, the people filed in, slightly pushing each other.

Jinyoung's back was pressed against Mark's chest, at the corner. It was a little suffocating there but they were gifted minutes for Mark. He liked how Jinyoung was just some inches away from him - in fact, some parts of their bodies were already touching - and how his own breath was fanning Jinyoung's threads of hair.

He was no more surprised by the fact that Jinyoung that effect on him, like even now his palms started to sweat. But Jinyoung did not seem to notice any of that.

There were a number of cafes and restaurants on that floor. Today, however, most of the space there was occupied by the book fair.

Different kinds of books were displayed, classic novels, romance, thriller, horror, and so on. They walked along the aisle, each side of which was occupied by the book shops. Mark acknowledged the book lovers must feel like a paradise here.

Jinyoung was totally absorbed now, looking around the books, often stopping at some shops to search for the books he had had in mind; so absorbed that he forgot Mark's presence.

Mark just followed Jinyoung, sometimes looking at the books Jinyoung picked up and sometimes listening to the booksellers' explanations to Jinyoung about the books.

But mostly his eyes fell on Jinyoung's enthusiastic eyes, gestures and inquiries, which all showed his passion for books. Mark could not resist admiring what he was seeing.

He felt that out of all the times he had seen Jinyoung, this was the time he witnessed Jinyoung's most confident self.

Jinyoung loving books was no new thing. But why only now, Mark thought, he felt that admiration and charmed by Jinyoung? Why had he not thought highly of that passion of Jinyoung in the past?"

"Are you bored now?" Jinyoung asked and Mark shook his head quickly. There were two bags of books in Jinyoung's hand.

"Give me one. I'll carry it for you," Mark offered, extending his hand to take one bag from Jinyoung. But the latter refused.

"It's okay. I can carry them. I guess, we should find a place to sit."

They had been exploring for nearly an hour and their legs were begging some rest. Jinyoung looked around and pointed at a cafe not far away from them.

"Let's go there. I'll treat you."

"But aren't you going to walk around anymore?"

"Later, after some drinks. We've got the whole day. I mean, I'm just stating the fact. It won't take all day."

In the cafe, they sat opposite to each other and ordered just coffees and cakes. Jinyoung took out the books he had bought from the bags and seemed to be savouring even the sight of them.

"How many did you buy?" It was quite a stupid question as Mark could see there were altogether four books.

"Only four. There might be more to buy later. Mark, if you're worn out now, feel free to leave me. I don't mind."

"I want to accompany you. Can I take a look at them? The covers seem interesting," Mark said.

Jinyoung was quite surprised at Mark's showing his interest in books. He had no suspicions that Mark was doing that just to prove to Jinyoung that he was not at all bored.

Jinyoung handed the books to Mark, saying, "Three of them are translated novels, originally written by my favourite British author. Another one is a collection of poems."

"You like poems as well?"

"I read them sometimes. I like the ones deep in meaning."

"Suddenly, I want you to recite one or two lines of the poem you remember, to me." It would be so soothing to hear Jinyoung reading peoms to him, Mark imagined.

Jinyoung flushed slightly; he had never done that to anyone. But it seemed a good idea.

"Later. I promise."

"I'll remember that. I'll remind you if needed."

Jinyoung laughed, "I'll surely need that. So thanks for that."

Mark smiled at Jinyoung's small laughter; he wanted to pat himself for finally being able to make Jinyoung feel comfortable with talking with him. It was indeed a fine day and it just seemed they both were really in a good mood.

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