Chapter 9

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Mark and Jinyoung had just arrived back home from the mall and were just about to go back to their rooms to change into some comfortable clothes, when the doorbell rang.

Jinyoung rushed to open the door. Both of them had no idea who it could be, as no one had ever visited them.

Jinyoung opened the door, and found three guys of his age in front of the flat. Jinyoung's eyes turned cold and he tightened his hold on the doorknob.

Mark had expected Jinyoung would have let in whoever the guest was but when Jinyoung was just standing there, he sensed something was wrong.

He was just about to ask Jinyoung when a voice was heard, familiar to him.

"Is this Mark's flat or are we mistaking it?" One of the guys inquired of Jinyoung.

Another guy scrunched his nose at Jinyoung's rude stare.

"You're not mistaking," Jinyoung said at last, "Mark's here."

Mark walked towards them and met Jinyoung's eyes, which turned to him.

"Your friends," Jinyoung muttered.

Mark nodded; he had already guessed since he had heard his friend's voice. What troubled him now was his worry about Jinyoung. He could not leave his eyes off Jinyoung but the latter seemed quite composed now.

Jinyoung left the doorway and headed back for his room once Mark got to the door.

"Mark! Long time no see!" Jun screeched.

Mark opened the door wide and let them in. They looked around the place curiously once they were inside. Mark motioned them to take seats on the long sofa.

"You've got a nice place, Mark. The funiture, structure and lighting, everything. You've never invited us," remarked and complained Taek, once all of them were seated.

"How did you know that I live here? I've never mentioned this address to you, I'm sure."

"Your sister told us. Your phone number changed and you did not even bother to let us know your new number nor where you lived and what you were doing," said Jae.


"Wow, the first time you saying 'sorry' to us. Where has the tough Mark gone? Come on, Mark. Don't treat us like guests. We're friends," Jun said, disapprovingly.

"Honestly, we're still angry with the lack of contact you kept with us. Now tell us. Anything specially changed since the last year we met?" Taek urged Mark, who just shook his head.

"Nothing speical."

"Don't lie us, Mark. At least, you've got a fuckably handsome boyfriend, hidden from us," Jun said, smirking.

"Shut up," Mark spat. He was starting to get wary that Jinyoung could hear everything of this from his room, as the living-room was right adjacent to their bedrooms. "He's my flatmate. And mind your language."

"Whatever," Jae rolled his eyes, "Introduce him to us. Let's see if he's worth hooking up with."

"Stop that nonsense, Jae. Don't mess-"

Mark's words stopped midway as he witnessed something unexpected. Jinyoung appeared from his room, unwavered by the pairs of eyes that instantly fell on him, and went straight to them.

"Seems delicious," Jun's eyes ran over Jinyoung's body from head to toe. His remark fueled Mark's temper and caused him to clench his fist.

Jinyoung sat down next to Mark, whose eyes were begging Jinyoung not to involve in this mess, but he ignored those pleading eyes.

"You wish to see me?" Jinyoung started, "But you won't wish to know who I am. Honestly, I can't say it's nice to see you again, Taek, Jun and Jae. I'm Park Jinyoung from your college."

Mark's friends' eyes turned wide, and they looked at each other and then at Mark, with the questioning look.

"Jinyoung, stop. Go back to your room," Mark ordered; but Jinyoung gave him a reassuring look as if saying 'he was okay'.

"Wow, you're the nerd Park Jinyoung then," Taek said, his eyebrows raised mockingly, "Not bad. You've changed from good-for-nothing to a mouth-watering piece of art. And surprisingly, in good terms with Mark?"

"You'd better stop your ungracious words, Taek. You've got no right to humiliate him, especially at his place," Mark said, through his gritted teeth.

"We're not humiliating him, Mark. Just appreciating him. Right, Taek?" Jun asked, and both Taek and Jae nodded.

Jinyoung smiled but Mark knew, he was actually furious now. "Of course, only bad-mouthed people like you can make a compliment sound like a curse. I didn't expect it better. And to see your terrible traits having not got better, isn't surprising either."

Jinyoung was not supposed to face this nonsense caused by his friends, Mark thought; he just wanted to shield Jinyoung from all of his inconsiderate friends.

"Wow, you've got sassy. And that's fucking sexy. Without those glasses, you're fu-"

"Stop your bullshit, Jun. If you can't say nice, leave this place. I won't be sad to lose friends like you," said Mark, his fury shown in every of his words.

Jae narrowed his eyes at Mark, "Calm down, we're just playing a little game with him. What, you're now on his side? What the hell, Mark?"

Mark sprang off his seat and in a split second, Jae's collar was in his hands' grasp.

"I said, leave. All of you, before you regret coming here. Do you hear me? Leave. I don't need such kind of friends like you."

"Mark, calm down. What's happening to you? We were just seeking a little fun."

"If you can't be nice to Jinyoung, then don't consider me your friend as well."

Mark let go of Jae but his eyes were showing his wrath; his friends backed out a little, knowing what the livid Mark could do.

"You'll regret, Mark. Let's go now."

"Fuck!" Jun cursed, before letting Taek take both him and Jae to the door.

Mark slumped back over the sofa, his anger still at its peak. Jinyoung looked at him with the guilty eyes, with the conscience that it was all because of him.

"Mark, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come out of my room."

Mark turned to him and stared into his apologising eyes. He moved and hugged Jinyoung in his arms, burying Jinyoung's head in his shoulder.

"Don't say 'sorry'. I know it'd hurt your pride if you didn't come out at all. You were right, Jinyoung. I understand you. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry," Mark uttered against Jinyoung's nape.

Jinyoung tentatively wrapped his hands around Mark and let himself be comforted by Mark.

"Why are you sorry? You've done nothing wrong. Thank you for standing up for me."

"No, I'm talking about the past. Now, I can understand how you must have felt back then. I'm sincerely sorry for everything I've done to you, Jinyoung."

Mark pulled away to look at Jinyoung in the eyes.

"Tell me that you were not upset by them," Mark looked at Jinyoung searchingly.

Jinyoung smiled reassuringly, "I wasn't. They being like that is no new thing. And you were there to defend me. I just hope that you won't regret like they said."

"Believe me, I'll never."

Mark felt his anger still there and clenched his teeth when the images of his friends mocking and using dirty words to Jinyoung, popped up in his mind again. There was one certain resolution left in him - to make sure Jinyoung would never be hurt like that again.

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