Chapter 3

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Jinyoung woke up at 7am sharp, not by the alarm but by his practised eyes. After taking the leisure of resting in his new place for the weekends, he was now again to prepare to go to work.

He headed out of his room to the kitchen, after taking the shower and changing into the white shirt and style-pants.

There was no one in the kitchen, which meant Mark might not probably have woken up yet and Jinyoung could prepare his breakfast with no distraction.

He knew both of them had changed but the sight of Mark always afflicted his mind. He felt bitter whenever he recalled the past.

Within some minutes, Jinyoung did the quick work of making fried rice and omelettes; and placed the dishes on the table.

Just when he sat down at the table, Mark appeared at the kitchen, dressed in his company uniform.

Their eyes met and Mark's showed surprised at seeing Jinyoung, dressed ready to go to work.

"Morning," Jinyoung greeted, with a quick glance, before shifting his attention back to his breakfast.

"Oh, yeah, morning," Mark cleared his throat, "I didn't think you worked. I mean, you've never mentioned it to me."

Jinyoung furrowed his brows a bit and looked up at Mark, who now went to the fridge to see what was there fit for breakfast. "So you say. You never talked to me that you worked, either."

"We are even then. Can I know what your job is? Mine is working in the market research team at YSU Co. It's a great place to work, except that they still treat me like a junior even when I've already earned almost two years' experience there," said Mark, in a complaining tone, and he grabbed the cheese and burger he had bought yesterday, from the fridge.

Jinyoung watched, in silence, Mark's actions, till Mark occupied the seat, opposite to him, at the table.

"Two years are still quite few, though," Jinyoung commented, which made Mark question, in his head, whether Jinyoung was attacking him on purpose.

"You haven't answered my question."

"A copywriter," answered Jinyoung, curtly.

"Interesting. But, wait, you didn't take any literature class or anything similar to copywriting at college, right? How?"

Jinyoung could not believe that Mark was showing that much interest in him. They were not supposed to be like that; perhaps, they were, technically, supposed to be cold to each other, like the enemies.

"Of course, there were things about me you had no idea of. I used to write in the college magazines."

"That must by why," Mark muttered, in a resigned tone. They both noticed how the atmosphere had got think in tension as the past was now digged up again.

They had been together in the same apartment for a few days, already; but Mark had never said sorry to Jinyoung for whatever he had done to him at the college, nor Jinyoung had initiated any pacified words between them.

"What time are you going to work?" Mark, at last, broke the silence. But all of a sudden, he was caught off guard when his eyes landed on Jinyoung's deep eyes, looking at him, under the slightly long bangs. Mark swallowed nervously and shifted his eyes quickly. Jinyoung couldn't have noticed it as all of it happened in the blink of an eye.

"I'm leaving shortly. Although it's at 9, I'll have to wait for the bus."

Jinyoung stood up, and taking his plates, went to the basin. Mark did not realise that his eyes were following every action of Jinyoung's, from him placing his plates aside to turning off the tap, after washing everything.

"See you in the evening. I'm going off now."

Jinyoung left the kitchen to head for his room to grab his things, before leaving the apartment.

Distracted from his work and shuddering in surprise at the sudden touch on his both arms, Jinyoung looked up, from his seat, at the smiling person beside him.

"Gosh, how did you sneak up behind me?" asked Jinyoung, in the fake annoyed tone, which only made Jackson chuckle in delight.

"Did I surprise you? That was my purpose," said Jackson, not without satisfaction, "Hmm, let's see," his eyes ran over Jinyoung from head to toe, "Jinyoung, you seem to have lost weight during the three days I didn't see you."

Jinyoung had work to do but when his own boss was distracting him from work, it was apparently no problem.

"No weight loss, Jackson. I'm as fit as ever. When did you arrive back though?"

Jackson took a seat nearby to sit beside Jinyoung and to stare into his eyes, which he had missed so much.

"Last night. Are you okay in the new apartment? I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, when you moved. It must have been so tiring."

"I wouldn't have troubled you even if you were here. Had fun in Mexico?"

"You know I was there only for work," Jackson pinched Jinyoung's cheek, lightly, out of affection.

Jackson was, as always, touchy, and it did not mind Jinyoung at all. But what he did not know was that behind every single touch and affectionate words, there was deeper meaning than just being of friendliness.

"What're you doing here though? You have a lot of work to do, right?"

Jackson narrowed his eyes a bit, saying, "Can't I just come and greet my dear friend here, after three days of litte contact?"

"Yes, yes, you can. But don't blame me if I don't finish my work."

"I'm the boss here. Don't worry, no one will blame you for that," Jackson pursed, remembering something, "Your flatmate. Is he okay to live with? Any problem?"

Jackson did not know that that flatmate was someone who had had a dark past with Jinyoung. If he had, he would never have allowed Jinyoung to move in there.

He knew how Jinyoung used to be; it would not be at all wrong to say it was he who had changed Jinyoung. Because Jackson had no prejudice and could accept Jinyoung as he was, the latter was always attached to him.

"No problem yet. I know you worry, Jackson. But I can manage it, myself. You have a lot more to worry about. So-"

"So, I should stop worrying about you? How many times do I have to tell you that I care for you because I want to?"

Jinyoung chuckled at Jackson's serious face, "Alright, I give up. You do as you want."

It was, however, one thing he liked about Jackson. In this world, when there was no one for him, Jackson was always beside him; and Jinyoung couldn't be thankful enough to have him as a friend and employer.

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