4.) How

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When we came back I really wished we wouldn't have.It was like I could feel my walls crashing and the air was getting thicker and harder and harder to breath.It was like I was I had ran a mile and had ran out of breath just hearing those three big words "you have cancer" stage 1. the three most unwanted words I could ever hear.when we got out the doctors office Caroline text me to come met her and danielle and Shawn I was going to tell them but how .

So I went to meet Caroline,Danielle,& Shawn.I decided since I was completly in love with Care(short for Caroline) &we had been talking alot here lately she was going to be the first I told.So we ended up meeting at the chinese place down the road from the mall.While eating I told her that I had stage 1 cancer but I made sure to tell her not to be concerned Because the doctor said he had plenty of time to get rid of the cancer.I lied the truth is he didnt know exactly.You see the spots on my lungs had nothing to do with my lungs but yet the cancer was still placed in that place.Which the doctor said was a little odd and a bit rare which worried my mom even more,but I didn't want Care to worry.

I wanted her to see a Beautiful smile not a sympathy sadness.Which made it even better was that I could see Caroline more which mean't more time to see that beautiful smile.Which always would light me up inside.I would soon face big things I knew but I really didn't want to let them comprehend or sink in yet.I knew it was going to get harder to face but I'm a teen and "YOLO" am I right.Except I didn't have but three friends. So I was still the stale chip in the bag.Otherwise that everything was going good I guess,except for the fact of that tommorow will be one excactly three years my dad has been gone which really sucks.Not only that but we had school in the morning so I was going to see of I could skip because of dad but mom said I needed all the credit I could get but she did mention checking me out at about twelve. Which was pretty exciting.

*next morning

Its five and I'm getting ready for school which I hate.So today was like any other day of torture and child play.I knew someone was going to figure out that I had cancer. Which don't get me wrong I'm not mutant. It's just I feel so much different than them. By the way the treat me.

And just as expected they did and would you guess who it was?. None other than my old friend I talked about in the begining his name is alex if I didn't mention that yet

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