11.) the telling

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When care arrived I wasn't really sure how to tell her maybe just maybe I could try to forget and not have to tell her but instead my mom had to say something.Caroline was so mad because I didn't want to tell her. I mean if it was you and your girlfriend or boyfriend and you had something wrong. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to tell them. The main reason why I didn't want to tell her is because she has been stressed and I knew it wouldn't make her feel good. Of course she cared but you understand right.I mean I love care and I would never want her to stress. It might cause her to break or loose hair and I DONT want any little piece of my PERFECT loves hair falling. Also if it was the other way I don't know what I would do if care was sick. I would probably cry. I know that sounded a little weird but let's be real all guys cry at one point. That would be my point my biggest point was when I lost my dad. I guess things happen but why when I get happy. I guess things were going to good for me being sick to where It was time to travel down that hill. Which sucked a lot . Or maybe..........

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