HC: Paladins x Happy but Traumatized S/O

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(from Tumblr)
Shiro, Lance, Keith, Hunk
Shiro kinda picked up on your stories
Like he's been through stuff
CRAZY messed up stuff (Zarkon, losing his arm, literally DYING, etc etc)
So he can pick up in little mannerisms
Like how you kinda tense up when trying to make your stories light hearted when their not
He doesn't want to bring attention to it, but later on he'll ask about it
He's very sweet and gentle and doesn't push you to give an answer
Cause you'll answer in your own time
But if you do tell him, he'll sit and listen
He definitely won't interrupt-he knows how hard it is to sometimes get trauma out and especially tell someone
But after, he tells you that you'll be okay and you'll get over those things and they'll only make you stronger-and he'll be right there with you to help you

Keith is more quiet about it-he doesn't really know how to react
How can the light of his life have so much darkness?
He feels a lot of sympathy for you-he doesn't want you to have to deal with things that haunt you
It takes him a bit to actually ask you
But one day you slip that you were having nightmares and it was "fine" but he knew it wasn't
So he sat you down and asked
He was kinda nervous but firm-he really just wanted to know so he could help you, but didn't know how to do it "the right way"
You sighed and kinda told him everything
About nightmares and things that just haunt you, even though you try really hard to make them seem like no big deal
After you were done, he grabbed your hands and told you that he understood what you were going through
His childhood wasn't exactly a breeze
But he would help you as best as he could

Oh no Lance is so worried
He hates how even though your so happy you have to hide your pain
He doesn't want you to feel you have to fake your feelings around him
But he doesn't really ask because he doesn't want to push you or make you feel awkward in any way
He just figured one day you'd just open up
Then one night you had a night mare and he ran in because he heard you
You tried to play it off, but he pushed you anyway
Because he could tell you were really shaken up
You let everything out because you were too tired and exhausted from sleeplessness nights
Lances heart broke for you
Like how could you be so chill but so riddled with worry?
He wrapped you in a hug and laid down to sleep with you and you both slept like babies

Whenever you tell a sad story, Hunk ALWAYS gives you a hug
No matter where or when
Literally you could be training- tell a story that's a little messed up- a big hug attack from behind
After awhile of this, you confronted Hunk because his lovable hugs were starting to startle you so much you'd get scared if he put a bug on you to listen to your every conversation
Or he somehow had some radar for your traumatic memories
When you tried to tell him you were fine, Hunk sighed and really just told you how he felt
How he was worried for you, because he wanted you to be happy
And if that's how you deal then it's okay everyone deals with things in their own way
But he was always their to talk to
So instead of whenever you talk about bad experiences, Hunk just hugs you as much as he can (randomly) and tells you how special you are to him so you know he would always love you and be there for you

Find me on Tumblr as @futurepurplepaladin for more of my fics)
(Requests for head-cannons, one shots, etc are open!)

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